Happy Spring Festival

With the Snake succeeding the Dragon (Loong) on Wednesday 29th January, we are now embracing the Chinese New Year, or 春节 (Chūnjié, Spring Festival) in Chinese communities – 春节快乐!Happy Spring Festival!

Lanyon Building in Red

To mark the Chinese New Year 2025 celebrations on Wednesday, 29th January — the first day of the Year of the Snake — Queen’s Lanyon Building was officially illuminated in red.

The Success Lion Dance Club, led by Master Alan Lui, delivered a spectacular lion dance performance, a traditional way of celebrating the Spring Festival in Chinese communities. The lions danced together and interacted with the audience, spreading blessings and good fortune for the year ahead.

Students, staff members, and their families were invited to join group photographs at the end, posing alongside the lions.

Drawing the Snake Competition

Congratulations to the following winners! A full exhibition can be viewed from Drawing the Snake Competition page.

ArtEast online exhibition

Thanks to four ArtEast Club members’ contribution to the online exhibition this year, there are over 30 pieces of artworks we can view from their gallery.

ArtEast 2025 Exhibition

Culture Forum Talks

We would like to thank Luyao and Sinong for their engaging and interesting talks and welcome the upcoming talks delivered by Tong, Siyang, Mi and Tianpeng. Save the dates in your diary and don’t miss out!

CNY entertainment

QUB international student societies are hosting their own events (Open House and CNY Dinner) for the celebration of the Chinese New Year. They welcome both members and non-members to join in their events.

Wishing all staff, students, alumni, and the wider community a joyful and prosperous Year of the Snake!

Call for Volunteering for CNY Celebrations

Happy International Volunteer Day (05/12)!

The Language Centre is organising a Chinese New Year Celebration Information Session to mark the International Volunteer Day (05/12) on Monday 04/12 (13:00-15:00) at the Auditorium, McClay Library. If you are interested in what’s going to happen and how you can get involved, feel free to pop in and join us in the session.

Call for volunteers

As the Year of the Dragon (龙年春节) is arriving in Feb 2024, we are looking for talented students and staff members to volunteer for our Chinese New Year celebration at Queen’s. It could be in the form of a variety of cultural performances, or language/culture-related topics and skills, and is open to both Chinese-speaking and non-Chinese speaking volunteers.

If you would like to express your interest in volunteering for the preparation and delivery of the proposed events, feel free to scan the QR code, or click the Form URL below to submit your interest.

We also look forward to working with you in our future language and cultural events.

Language Centre Course Enrolment

The second enrolment for courses, including Chinese, to start in January 2024 has now been available online. Anyone wishing to learning Chinese can find relevant course timetable and registration information from The Language Centre Homepage.

Call for participation

Translating Age – Sharing experiences of being an older woman in a new country

This post is circulated on behalf of Professor Tess Maginess from School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work, who are looking for older female participants of diverse cultural backgrounds, including those from the Chinese community to share their experiences of living in Northern Ireland. Any queries related to this project need to be directed to Professor Maginess (see contact information below).

解读年龄 —— 年长女性在新移居国的经历分享



我们希望通过聆听来自不同国家的故事、诗歌 (等) 来了解大家在移居国的老龄生活。如果您希望在谈论您的感受时得到一些帮助,您可以带上您家中的年轻成员一同参加。


  • 分享您自己的文化并了解其他文化。
  • 分享您作为一位年长女性的经历。
  • 结交新朋友。
  • 学习新技能并获得大学的“认可”。
  • 让别人听到您的声音。
  • 学习如何成为一名合作研究者。
  • 参与制作一个包含您的观点和您自己的故事、歌曲、诗歌、手工作品的网站。




请发送电子邮件至Tess Maginess教授 t.maginess@qub.ac.uk 或 Federica Ferrieri 博士federica.ferrieri@outlook.com

Chinese course enrolment and call for volunteers

With the approaching of the new semester we are pleased to announce that the Language Centre course enrolment starts at 00:30 on Thursday 1st September. We offer over 80 classes in 14 different languages, including Chinese, that have both online and in person teaching. All classes will commence week beginning Monday 10 Oct 2022.

Online registration will be closed on Thursday 6 Oct and we welcome all to make an early registration as courses are extremely popular and fill up quickly.

Class schedule and registration links are accessible via Language Centre website.

Chinese language courses are offered from level 1 to level 5.

Call for volunteers

We are looking for talented students and staff members to volunteer for our Chinese language and cultural events at Queen’s. It could be in the form of a variety of cultural performances, or language/culture-related topics and skills, and is open to both Chinese-speaking and non-Chinese speaking volunteers.

We look forward to working with you in our future events.

Read the Chinese version here.

Chinese Cinema Season

Hooray! The biggest film festival for Chinese cinema of the year in Europe has landed in the UK, with a rich programme of films and events starting from 10th May until 10th June!

UK-China Film Collab

According to the UK-China Film Collab (英中电影合作研发中心), the presenter of Odyssey: a Chinese cinema season –

From 10th May to 10th June 2022, with more than 60 films in 8 curated sections, 10 panel discussions and many inspiring Q&A sessions, we will bring you a whole month of outstanding and innovative Chinese cinema that promises to illuminate your mind. The festival will not only introduce the latest young Chinese film talents to the UK audience, but also provide forums for professionals to exchange creativity and business ideas.


While many of the events will take place in London and Edinburgh, there are a good many online events and films that one can choose to attend, some of which are free. Below are the highlights for local Chinese community and fans of Chinese films in Northern Ireland.

Neo Horizon: The Audience Award

As audience, you are invited to view the six selected films for free and vote for the Audience Award, starting from 10th May. Don’t miss out!

Shanghai Animation Film Studio Retro

This is a great opportunity to enjoy some classic Chinese animated films of different eras and art styles while learning about the history of Chinese animation.

Click OdysseyChineseCinema.com for details.

Discussion Panels

During the month-long China Cinema Season, there will also be ten online discussion panels, exploring aspects of UK-China film collaboration and other topics such as regional cinemas and the role of female film programmers in China.

Click Discussion Panels for details.

Hope you all will enjoy a fantastic season of Odyssey journey with Chinese films!

Translating Friel: ‘The Widowhood System’ (1964) as a Chinese audiobook


  • Date: Friday 4th March 2022
  • Time: 18:30 – 19:45 GMT
  • Venue: Brian Friel Theatre, 20 University Square, Queen’s University, Belfast BT7 1NN
  • Language: English/Chinese
  • Booking: Eventbrite (free, but advanced booking essential)

Join us for an audio journey that brings together 1960s Northern Ireland and 21st Century China. Alongside excerpts from the original English version, Chinese Students from the Centre for Translating and Interpreting (CTI) at Queen’s University will narrate a new translated adaptation of Brian Friel’s short story ‘The Widowhood System’. 

The Widowhood System是一个由布莱恩.弗里尔写于二十世纪六十年代的爱尔兰故事。三个嗜酒如命的中年单身汉,为了追逐埋藏于心多年的赛鸽梦,开始了一场堂吉诃德式的养鸽之旅。殊不知,赛鸽的命运和他们的人生产生了奇妙的重合……


About this event

What effect does translation have in transporting a story across time and space? When the page is adapted for the stage, what role does a translator play? What happens when a translator, often considered as the one doing the paperwork, leaves their desk to work as a theatre practitioner?

In this script reading and discussion event, co-organized by CTI, Friel Reimagined, and the Brian Friel Theatre, the translator, Chuchu, the music producer, Kehan and the actors will present the original text, the translated work and the procedure of the adaptation— a Chinese audiobook based on the story ‘The Widowhood System’ by the great Irish playwright Brian Friel. With the original text in English, the Chinese voice actors reading the translated version, and the translator sharing the background of the translation and adaptation process, this event aims to provide a unique insight into how a translated play is produced and presented.





Translator Profile 译者简介 

Shurui Yang, aka Chuchu, is a PhD in translation from Center of Translation and Interpreting. Supervised by Prof. David Johnston and Dr. Kathleen Kaess, she mainly focuses on translating Brian Friel’s work from English into Chinese.

杨姝睿(楚楚),女王大学口笔译中心翻译博士在读。师从戏剧翻译家David Johnston教授与Kathleen Kaess博士。主要研究方向为布莱恩·弗里尔的戏剧翻译。

More information

CCF11 July Talk

CCF11 – Whose Play Is It? Translating and Performing Chinese Drama for the Global Stage

Dr Yangyang LONG 龙杨杨, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Dr Yangyang LONG is Assistant Professor in Translation and Interpreting. She was awarded PhD by Queen’s University Belfast in 2019. Her works have been published on journals such as The Translator, Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies, Atlantic Studies: Global Currents and Coup De Théâtre. She is currently working with Routledge on a monograph entitled “The Works of Lin Yutang: Translation and Recognition”, which will be published with the series “Routledge Studies in Chinese Translation”.

Who owns a translated foreign-language play? The translator? The author? The playwright? The director? The dramaturg? The actors/actresses? The audiences? The critics? The theatre company? The (mass) media? What makes a Chinese play – in this case a classic of its national literature – worth translating and performing in a new environment, that is, the here and now of the 21st-century English-speaking world? This talk aims to explore the translation and performance of 2017 “Snow in Midsummer” (窦娥冤, The Injustice to Dou E That Moved Heaven and Earth by Guan Hanqing), a new stage production by the Royal Shakespeare Company for its “Chinese Classics Translation Project” (2013-2023).

More information:

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