Meet the volunteers

- Lauren McShane
- MRes candidate in Arts and Humanities, School of Arts, English and Languages, Queen’s.
- With a focus on French Studies, my research interests include analysing how language and culture shape healthcare, particularly addiction care and recovery.
- I began learning Chinese with the Language Centre after spending three weeks as an exchange student at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, in 2019.
- I enjoy the challenge of reading simplified Chinese literature when I can.

- Martin Duffy
- MA candidate in Irish Studies with focus on Public History at the Institute of Irish Studies, Queen’s University, Belfast.
- He has travelled across the world for work and leisure and has had the pleasure of visiting China many times.

- Shamisha Tew (张蜜莎)
- From Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 2nd Year LLB Law student
- iLive Leadership Society Secretary
- Proficiency in Chinese: Native/bilingual speaker

- Heng Wang (王恒)
- From Changchun, Jilin Province
- PhD candidate, MSc in TESOL, School of Social Sciences, Education, and Social Work
- Worked as a Mandarin instructor in Confucius Institute at Durban University of Technology in South Africa from 2015-2017

- Xiaohui Liao (廖小惠)
- From Guangzhou, Guangdong Province
- MSc in Marketing, Management School
- International Student Ambassador 2019-20
- Qualification and experience in teaching Mandarin Chinese and supporting HSK (Chinese Language Proficiency Test) preparation

- Zhenru Shang (尚珍如)
- From Dongying, Shandong Province
- MSc in TESOL, School of Social Sciences, Education, and Social Work
- Worked as volunteer teacher of Chinese for a Confucius Institute in Thailand 2017-18
Potential Volunteers
If you have the experience of becoming a Chinese language teaching assistant, you are very welcome to volunteer for this Chinese Language Interest Group. Please get in touch by filling the following comment box with your contact details.
Most of the activities will be face-to-face and on campus. However, if you feel like joining an online group for more interaction, you may consider applying for a membership via the Chinese LIG Facebook Group.