Graduate success student success Student success stories

Graduate Success Story: Stuart Herron, PDP

Stuart Herron – CQV Engineer

What Course did you graduate from in QUB? Chemical Engineering (MEng)

What made you choose this Course?
Science was always something that intrigued me through my school years. This course would give me the opportunity to learn how science and maths could be transitioned into the working world, creating innovative solutions to real life problems.

What was your favourite subject and why?
Maths closely followed by physics and chemistry. These subjects heavily relied on applying theory to problem solve and I loved the challenge. The sciences allowed me to work with various equipment and new technologies which always kept my interest.

How long have you worked with PDP?
Into my 4th year now. Scary how time passes by.

How did you hear of PDP?
I heard through my university peers that a company was giving interviews for students to work in Canada on a vaccine manufacturing facility. As I learned more about the opportunity it became evident it was something that would push me out of my comfort zone and provide further career prospects. I moved to Toronto and never looked back.

What have been the highlights of your career to date?
Working in Biopharma has been very meaningful as I know my work is contributing to a greater purpose. Working on a Covid-19 vaccine project whilst going through the pandemic only emphasized how important the work is. It continues to be an incredibly rewarding learning experience.
Another highlight has been the network of talented people I have had the privilege to work with. My PDP peers have been invaluable in my development, allowing me to gain and share knowledge that have helped form my contribution to projects as well as my career path.
Beyond my work, travelling overseas to projects has allowed me to go on new adventures and immerse myself in different cultures. Plenty of skiing has also certainly been welcomed.

What projects have you been involved in with PDP?
I spent 2 years on a vaccine manufacturing facility in Toronto, Canada where I was a CQ owner of Fermentation systems and also involved in utilities. I have since moved to Switzerland, Visp on another vaccine project, notably working on a COVID-19 vaccine as a utilities CQV Engineer.

Would you recommend working for PDP to a friend and why?
Absolutely, there are many opportunities to be made. With an ever growing group of driven individuals you will always have guidance to aid your learning and career. The travel experiences you will gain are an added bonus, and with PDP’s assistance there are many locations and projects to experience.

Graduate success student success Student success stories

Graduate Success Story: John Hamilton, PDP

John Hamilton – CQV Engineer

What Course did you graduate from in QUB?

Chemical Engineering

What made you choose this Course?

I wanted to pursue a career that made use of my strengths in science and maths, but also didn’t involve sitting in an office the whole time. I was also interested in the prospects of travelling abroad that the career offered.

What was your favourite subject and why?

I particularly enjoyed group projects where we had to collaborate as a team to design something. Through these I gained confidence that I could take on what challenges I faced in my future career and learnt that engineering is not a solo effort.

How long have you worked with PDP?

For over 3 years.

How did you hear of PDP?

In my final year of university, PDP were looking for graduate CQV Engineers to work on a large vaccine manufacturing project in Toronto, Canada. For me this was an exciting opportunity.

What have been the highlights of your career to date?

Being part of a Covid vaccine project throughout most of its stages was particularly rewarding for me. In the project, I was responsible for a wide range of utility systems and was frequently in the clean rooms where these groundbreaking vaccines would be produced. Naturally, it was a very fast-paced project that sometimes involved longer hours and unique challenges, but it was amazing to see what could be achieved with such a concentrated effort by an extraordinary team.

What projects have you been involved in with PDP?

For the first two years I was part of the Sanofi B100 5-acP/Diptheria/Tetanus vaccine manufacturing facility in Toronto, Canada. After that I moved to Switzerland to work on a Covid vaccine project in Visp, Switzerland. And recently, I moved onto a much larger project in Visp.

Would you recommend working for PDP to a friend and why

I would recommend PDP to any friend in the industry. During the time I have been working for PDP, they have been growing rapidly and constantly have new projects and new opportunities. All the while, they have continued to put their people first, and I have always felt that they have had my back.

Career planning Careers programmes Employer Engagement Employer events Employer Insight Employers Graduate success motivation Strengths-based interviews Student experience

6 things we learned about resilience from our Employer Hotseat

Beth MacDougall, EY

Beth MacDougall from EY delivered a session on Resilience. Here are the top takeaways.

Its normal to be nervous

“The one thing that terrified me literally more than anything was what am I gonna do for work. How am I gonna go into the workplace with this really strange title, this really long list of symptoms? And a degree that I don’t know how to be of use anymore and no experience. I was completely shook. I was absolutely terrified because all I wanted to do was work.”

But Beth goes on to say…

“I wish that I could go back to myself six years ago and say it’s going to be okay. It’s gonna be fine.”

Challenge = Change

“I learned that it is absolutely OK to challenge things in a process or on an application form, or in a procedure that you feel like you’re going to make you feel disadvantaged or unfair. There were plenty of times in an application form that actually will ask you to disclose a disability way before the ‘do you have a disability question’…that was my first lesson that it’s okay to challenge things. And that it’s the only way that we’re going to change things, by challenging and by asking the questions.”

People’s opinions are not your reality

“I remember the first time that I spoke with someone about my disability in a workplace, they actually told me that I was a health and safety risk, and it was selfish of me to be wanting to work in a workplace environment, after speaking to me for all of 2/3 minutes. I just wanted to have a conversation and explain, you know, but I can do this! But then why do I have to explain something? Why am I defined by this label that I have attached to me?”

Beth then speaks about how working as a recruiter allows her to speak to a range of people from all works of life

“We can learn from so many different people by having those conversations and again as recruiters we are in that position where we can constantly speak to a diverse group of people and learn from every single one of them. Giving someone a voice, really means that person is going to be able to bring their true authentic best self to the workplace.”

Play to your strengths (and find out how to play to your strengths!)

“Strength-based recruitment was definitely my friend…We might not have as much experience as persons who don’t have disabilities because it’s been harder for us to get that 0r maybe we’ve needed to take a break at times”

“So strength-based recruitment for me was so powerful in terms of I knew I didn’t have the experience that probably everyone else applying for this job did. I actually had no recruitment experience. I had plenty of student experience, plenty of mental health, well-being, events, development – but it was all dotted around different areas. I could only get small different bits of experience in different ways. I didn’t really know how to combine that. Until, I spoke to someone who help me do that”

Be proud and honest of who you are

“My interview at EY was actually the first time I ever disclosed my disability in an interview, outright. First question, “what are your motivations for EY” – well I have a disability. Straight up there. I’ve heard about this and this is why I did it because EY’s brand was all about a culture of belonging – our world your way. And I really truly believe that. I could see the images I could see the stories and I could see the things EY were doing to support people like me.”

“70% of people with a disability actually have an invisible disability which brings its own challenges. You can hide that until you get into your workplace, but if without disclosing a disability it’s very hard to get the support that you might need to be able to thrive and employ yourself the way that you want to.”

Who you are will show in what you do

Beth speaks about how people with different disabilities are often overlooked for employment and workplace stigma towards those disabilities

“People with disabilities are the largest pool of untapped talent. And that is because we do have, again those natural barriers, and sometimes that natural stigma of – traditionally disabled has meant something that someone cannot do.Whereas I would challenge that… people with disabilities are nature’s greatest problem solvers. We have to learn to live in a world that isn’t actually built always for us. We have to find different ways to do things. Which kind of brings me to my final point in terms of people with disabilities are some of the most valuable workforce that you can bring into an organisation. Those qualities of resilience communication, because you’re constantly having to communicate things, and ask for things and explain. Problem solving, creativity innovation, you name it, a person with a disability has to show that every single day in their life.”

Careers programmes Employer Engagement Employer events Employer Insight Employer Panels Employer Q&A student success Student success stories

Graduate success story: Eoin Deeney, Baker McKenzie

Eoin Deeney

My name is Eoin Deeney, I’m a Data Privacy Specialist at Baker McKenzie and I studied Law at undergraduate at Queen’s and a postgraduate degree in Law and Governance as well at Queen’s.

Describe your current role.

As part of my current role, I help with the firm’s compliance efforts in the space of data privacy, so that involves working with colleagues across the globe and understanding the data privacy laws and regulations across the world and how the firm can comply with those laws and regulations. I suppose my favourite part of my role is working within the firm itself and the people that I work with across the globe, that they’re globally-minded and like-minded as well and also that it allows me to work in the office with like-minded people but also the ability to work from home and work in a hybrid fashion as well.

How did you get your current role?

After graduating from Queen’s I spent a couple of years in Industry getting experience, which then gave me the opportunity to join Baker McKenzie as a legal professional. Shortly thereafter I became a Team Lead within the Legal Professional team and then I also went to another organisation after that to gain experience in the field of Data Privacy which then prompted the opportunity to return to the firm in my current capacity as a Data Privacy Specialist.

What interview tips do you have for students/ graduates?

The advice I would give to students and graduates when it comes to interviews would be to be themselves, to be authentic and don’t feel that you have to be a certain version or acertain caricature of someone that the employer wants to see because ultimately, if successful in that role, we’re going to be working with you and that’s what we want to see in the interview process: the person that we’re going to be working with, not a caricature of the person you think you ought to be.

What soft skills are most important in your role?

The soft skill that’s most important in my role would be an openness and willingness to learn and I suppose really without that I wouldn’t be in the role that I am currently in because this field wasn’t as prevalent as it is now when I was at university so I would encourage students and graduates to be open and take advantage of opportunities that present themselves by being open-minded and willing to learn.

What training did you get when you started the role?

When I first joined Baker McKenzie I was presented with a suite of classroom trainings which were invaluable in getting to know the organisation and the types of work that we were engaging in but I suppose the most important training that I’ve had has been on the job and learning from more experienced peers and colleagues that have experience of the business and of their subject matter.

How have the people in your organisation inspired you?

What I think about the people that I work with and the organisation and what inspires me about them; I suppose it’s their agility of mind and their ability to apply themselves to a variety of different problems and come up with a variety of innovative solutions. You know, those problems will vary on a day-by-day basis but they’re always agile and thinking of innovative solutions to those problems.

Why would you recommend students and graduates apply to your firm?

I would recommend Baker McKenzie to any student or graduate for two reasons, really. One, it’s a fantastic place to start and develop your career, especially if you’re not entirely sure where you would like your career to go. There’s a number of opportunities that will be available to you. Personally, my career has ended up going in the direction that I didn’t know it would go in but I’m in a job that I love and absolutely enjoy every day. I suppose the second reason I would recommend it is really the people and the people make the organisation. There’s a real culture of friendship; there’s any number of clubs and societies that you can get involved in and explore interests that you may have or may be wanting to develop. So, I suppose the people and the opportunities available would be the reasons I’d recommend the firm to any student or graduate.

Baker McKenzie are proud sponsors of our Autumn Fair

Careers programmes Employer Engagement Employer events Employer Insight Employer Panels Employer Q&A student success Student success stories

Workplace Insight: Holly Emerson, Baker McKenzie

Holly Emerson

My name is Holly Emerson and I’m a Legal Professional at Baker McKenzie.

What are the values of your organisation?

Baker McKenzie asked people at the firm how they would describe the firm and they come up with brave, brilliant and kind and I think those values really some up what the firm stands for. People are brave. They are not afraid to challenge convention. They aren’t afraid to innovate. People are brilliant. They are always striving to progress at the firm and people at the firm are kind. They aren’t just kind in the work that they do for charities, but they’re also kind in that they treat their colleagues with respect.

How inclusive an environment is your organisation?

Inclusion and diversity is integral at Baker McKenzie. We have 77 offices which means that you could be working with people from New York or Singapore and it truly shows that inclusion and diversity is a major part of daily life at Baker McKenzie.

What social events bond you as a team?

Baker Mackenzie has plenty of social events every month. There are drinks on the terrace, we have summer BBQs, Christmas parties and as well as that there are clubs and committees like LGBTQ committee and the charity committee who also hold events as well.

How easy is it to progress and carve out a career in your organisation?

In the year that I have been at Baker McKenzie, I started by taking comprehensive training which has allowed me to be seconded to the Data Privacy team at Baker McKenzie which I really enjoy and this opportunity is available across multiple functions. The opportunities are here just as long as you are willing to take them.

What personal attributes are you looking for in recruits?

The sort of person who would fit in at Baker Mackenzie is somebody who has a positive attitude, who is willing to learn, is a team player. We work with many different teams at Baker McKenzie so somebody who works well at collaborating in teams would fit in really well at Baker McKenzie.

Baker McKenzie are proud sponsors of our Autumn Fair

Careers programmes Employer Engagement Employer events Employer Insight Employer Panels Employer Q&A student success Student success stories

Graduate Success story: Luca StClair,Baker McKenzie

Luca StClair

Hi, I’m Luca and I’m a Legal Professional at Baker McKenzie.

Why are you excited to come to the Autumn Fair?

As a Queen’s alumni myself, it was at the Autumn Fair that I met the team at Baker McKenzie and what eventually led me to eventually apply to the firm so we’re excited to show you what’s on offer and who we really are as a team.

What opportunities will you be showcasing at the Fair?

We don’t just have legal roles on offer at Baker McKenzie, there are opportunities for students to get jobs across a range of departments here, such as marketing, finance and IT and many more.

What is the best thing about working at your organisation?

Aside from the opportunity of working for a global law firm, the best thing about working at Baker McKenzie is the people. Everyone is so supportive and welcoming and is really committed and driven to seeing you succeed in your career. There’s also lots of opportunities for you to personally and professionally develop yourself through the various training and development programmes on offer and as well as this the firm is very social and it’s really fun place to work.

Why should students visit your stall?

I think students should visit our stall to hear more about the opportunities on offer at Baker McKenzie. As well as this, it would be a great opportunity for you to meet the team and learn a bit more about our culture.

How would a student impress you at the Fair?

Students can impress us at the Autumn Fair by knowing who we are and what we stand for. Aside from this, we want you to be your true authentic self and a tip from me would be to have any questions ready about the work we do or the opportunities on offer.

Baker McKenzie are proud sponsors of our Autumn Fair

Employer Engagement Employer events Employer Insight Employer Panels Employer Q&A student success Student success stories

Graduate Success Story, Louise Dooley,Andor

Louise Dooley

Hello everyone, my name is Louise Dooley

I am Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist with Andor Technology, part of the Oxford Instruments Group. I joined Andor in April 2021, I’m based in Belfast and I recruit for positions for our Belfast site and across the EMEA region. I completed my undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at Queen’s University Belfast and I’ve worked in various sectors and in a number of different roles in recruitment for the last 20-years.

Why are you excited to come to the Autumn Fair?

Andor is a spinner? company from Queen’s University Belfast so we’ve always had a very very close relationship with the university and have continued to develop that to work with several of the schools on their employer engagement events and we are absolutely delighted to be one of the key sponsors for the Careers Fair this autumn. Queen’s has an excellent range of degree pathways and a very diverse student population which is important to us. We find that not only are Queen’s students academically strong, but they’re also well supported on their journey into the workplace by the Careers service.

What opportunities will you be showcasing at the Fair?

Andor offer a range of entry-level positions to join our business. In July 2022 we doubled our 12-month placement opportunities for students and we plan to increased that again in summer 2023. Our placement opportunities cover the areas of Manufacturing Engineering, Software Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics, FPGA and front-end web development. This year we’re also expanding that to include sales, operations and supply chain positions. Our graduate roles are similar to those I’ve already mentioned but also include Optical Engineering and we offer some potential summer internships as well for students who are at the earlier stages in their degree.

What is the best thing about working at your organisation?

That’s certainly a big question to answer. It’s great to be part of a global leading company which was founded right here in Belfast and it’s really making a huge difference in the world. Some of our products are being used to develop cures for cancer, explore deeper into space and examine clean energy sources. I don’t think there’s too many companies in Northern Ireland who could say NASA is one of their customers. Also everyone’s input is very much valued, regardless of whether you’re writing code, designing a PCB board, testing equipment or paying an invoice, the company doesn’t function without every single person’s input. We’re very innovative in Andor and hard-working and we’ve access to a huge number of employee assistance programs, mental health provisions but we’re also a very fun place to work and have lots of social activities for example dog walks, fitness bootcamps and quizzes.

Why should students visit your virtual and or online stall?

At Andor we are very much looking forward to attending the virtual and in-person Careers Fairs this year at Queen’s University Belfast. We have various levels of staff who will be available on the day to speak to you about your career paths and they can give you advice on where they came from and how they reached the positions they’re in today. We have some Senior Engineers, we have some graduates and some of our current placement students will also be available (on the) day. So they can really give you a good insight into their experience with us.

How would a student impress you at the Fair?

We are very much looking to hear from students from within Engineering, Physics and the Business Disciplines. Engineering, that really includes the Mechanical, Manufacturing, Electronics and Software Engineering Disciplines, Physics, that’s right across whether it’s the MSci or also PhD students as well and the broad spectrum of Business degrees as well as they can support our supply chain and wider operations functions as well.

Andor are proud sponsors of our Autumn Fair

Employer Engagement Employer events Employer Insight Employer Panels Employer Q&A student success Student success stories

Graduate Success Story: Jenni Walsh, Allstate

Jenni Walsh

I’m Jenni and I work as part of the E Discovery Team here at Allstate Northern Ireland. I recently just finished my Master’s in Software Development at Queen’s University in Belfast.

Tell us about your role.

So my role is basically working in conjunction with Legal Department on evidence request. Most of my team are based in the US, so it’s great chatting to them on a daily basis, even if it is virtually. I love the fact that I’m getting the opportunity to learn something new every single day at Allstate.

How did you get your current role?

So I went into the Master’s Degree with no real technical background at all. The course is brilliant in that it gives you a broad range of new technical skills in a relatively short space of time. The course covers a really wide range of technology and that gives you a really solid basis to work from then and the confidence to learn new technologies when you go into a workplace. Allstate has a really wide number of roles available as IT does in general. So there really is a fit for everybody. I applied for Allstate’s graduate programme because it gives you really fantastic first steps into a new career and it provides a world-class training program for technical and soft skills.

What interview tips do you have for students/ graduates?

So for any interview you want to prove that you not only have the tech skills to be able to work there but also the right attitude. From a tech point of view you want to be able to show that you’ve got a real interest in technology so having some projects and that you’ve done outside of uni work on your CV is always really helpful. From a non-tech point of view you want to make sure that it comes across that you’re really curious, you’re really willing to learn. Also do a wee bit of research on the company before you go into the interview. The interviewer wants to make sure that you really want to work there and also for yourself, you want to make sure that the company is going to be a good fit for yourself. So it’s important for both you and the company that you’re going to fit in.

What soft skills are most important in your role?

So I would say that soft skills are just as important as tech skills in the work place. So good communication and being a team player is key. During our course we did some different group projects and this really increased our experience of working within a team which ultimately improves communication both in-person and in a virtual environment as well which we are also used to these days.

What training did you get when you started the role?

So here at Allstate there’s an amazing graduate training programme which focuses on both technical and soft programme which focuses on both technical and soft training which really helped to cement what we had already learned at Uni. The trainers were really fantastic and you felt like you could ask them anything without feeling silly. Our soft skills sessions were great too and they focus on things like time management, presentation skills and building your confidence. We also then had training within our own individual roles that we were

working in. So here at Allstate there an amazing culture of respect and if you ever have an issue or you’re unsure about anything there’s always somebody about that will help you.

How have the people in your organisation inspired you?

I think what is so special about Allstate is the culture. I really feel like I’m respected, supported and like my opinions matter. Allstate do a lot for their employees from things like employee days out, social events or even things like mental health workshops. Allstate also provides us with a lot of volunteering opportunities which allows us to give back to the communities in which we work and we live. In the office here we also have a collaboration area and we’re really encouraged to go down and use it to have a chat, a coffee or even a game of pool, which is lovely. We also have a peer-to-peer reward system which really makes you feel valued.

Why would you recommend students and graduates apply to your firm?

So I would definitely recommend applying to Allstate. The diversity of roles here is huge and there really is a place for everybody. There is a reason that Allstate Northern Ireland has been named Digital DNA’s Workplace of the Year again this year. It’s got a fantastic benefits package and there’s a great work-life balance here. It’s got flexible and hybrid working options which really help support family life. We also have access to a wide range of world-class learning platforms and we’re really supported and encouraged to take steps to further your career.

Allstate are proud sponsors of our Autumn Fair

Employer Engagement Employer events Employer Insight Employer Q&A Employers student success Student success stories

Workplace insight: Dale Totten: Allstate

Dale Totten

What are the values of your organisation?

Here at Allstate our values are extremely important. It is how we represent and conduct ourselves and not only as colleagues, but also towards our customers. Honesty and integrity is one of our core values. This is where we show honesty towards our customers and our integrity to do the right thing. We also have a core value of inclusive diversity. This is of course bringing in people from multiple cultures as not only as colleagues, but also as customers and this brings forward great ideas, drives innovation and is very important here at Allstate. We also have engagement as one of our core values. This is of course being engaged with each other to help along our shared purpose and to make sure that we are achieving our goals here at Allstate.

How inclusive an environment is your organisation?

Allstate is a very inclusive organisation. We welcome people from all different backgrounds and cultures and we encourage team engagement across these different cultures. This helps bring an inclusive environment for people within Allstate and for new people joining Allstate also. This also helps with our shared ideas and our different perspectives within our teams. It also can help with having a different out look on our goals, both within our team and also within our areas. So it is very important to have a good inclusive environment here within Allstate.

What social events bond you as a team?

Allstate host multiple events within different business areas across the organisation and these events are a great way of not only meeting new people but also getting to know your team better and your business areas better. Some of the events that I have been to have been pizza and barbecue meetups that have been provided for by Allstate. I’ve really enjoyed these events. I thought they were great for getting to know people from my team better and there’s also events that are hosted for across different teams and across the whole organisation. So there’s different events for different communities of practices, such as Dagrad community of practice which I am a part of and there’s also events that are for the whole organisation such as the sports and social events which I’ve also attended. All have been a great way to meet new people and to have some fun.

How easy is it to progress and carve out a career in your organisation?

When you first join Allstate as a graduate, you get introduced into all the different types of roles and areas within Allstate and that you have the potential of joining as a graduate. This is a great way of exploring all the different areas that are available and also finding out what you like and what you would find most interesting in going into as your role within Allstate. Once you’ve decided on your role, you’ll then be put into the two-year graduate programme. This programme is there to help you with your skills and help you with your ability to move up the ranks within Allstate. It offers you different types of promotion opportunities as well as different levels of training such as technical and soft skills training throughout as well.

What personal attributes are you looking for in recruits?

One of the key personal attributes you can have within Allstate is being a team player. You work within your team and you’re there to help share ideas, be collaborative and bring together solutions to problems you may have within your team and achieving goals within your business area. Largely you will work with other teams also within your business area and they’ll all be working towards a shared goal. This is why it’s such a key value within Allstate to be a team player as Allstate is always striving towards a shared purpose and therefore it requires teams and employees to work together to achieve Allstate’s goals.

Allstate are proud sponsors of our Autumn Fair.

Careers programmes Employer Engagement Employer events Employer Insight Employer Panels Employer Q&A Employers student success Student success stories

Workplace Insight: Clodagh Nugent, Allstate

Clodagh Nugent

Hi, my name is Clodagh Nugent and I’m a part of the talent acquisition team at Allstate Northern Ireland. So I started as a placement student, I then worked part-time and returned as a graduate and I’m now a junior consultant in entry-level talent.

Why are you excited to come to the Autumn Fair?

Queen’s University offer fantastic curriculum and careers services to prepare students for the world of work. Allstate Northern Ireland are passionate about investing in the talent of the future and always interested to meet ambitious students ready to kick start their career. Allstate have a strong partnership with Queen’s University and actively recruit students with great success so much so that we’re delighted to be acting as one of the sponsors for this Careers Fair this Autumn.

What opportunities will you be showcasing at the Fair?

Allstate Northern Ireland offer various entry level pathways including 12-month placement opportunities across IT disciplines. We also offer placement opportunities in our corporate functions such as human resources, marketing and graphic design although these will be offered into the new year. We also recruit a high number of IT graduates across a variety of technology roles and we also offer an IT insights programme and potential summer internships to first year IT, Maths and Physics students.

What is the best thing about working at your organisation?

So I’m afraid there probably isn’t enough time to cover all the benefits that Allstate Northern Ireland offers, but my favourite part about working here has to be the the social aspect. So I think joining a large company in an entry-level role, it’s important to have a support network there, such as Allstate graduate community of practise. We also offer a lot of employee resource groups such as Sports and Social, Embrace Awesome, Women in Technology, Allgreen, Allcare; so there really is something for everyone.

Why should students visit your virtual and or online stall?

I’m excited for this Careers Fair to be in a hybrid capacity, so myself and other Allstate representatives will be available in person and virtually throughout the day hoping to offer some careers advice and direct you to potential opportunities with us such as IT placements and graduate roles with start dates across 2023 and they will be advertised around October so looking forward to seeing you there.

Allstate are proud sponsors of our Autumn Fair