Grace McSorley is a final year student who had the opportunity to attend a placement at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Here is what she had to say about her time there!

“Recently I had the opportunity to complete a study abroad placement in Utrecht University in the Netherlands, and it was an amazing experience. The course, ‘Exploring Data through Culture’, was a great learning opportunity and it provided me with the chance to learn several new softwares, whilst equipping me with a range of new data skills and techniques.
One of the highlights was the chance to work alongside a brilliant group of students and lecturers from across the world. The team collaboration was fantastic, and together we presented a research project investigating the rise of Chat GPT and natural language processing AI within education. The insights, skills and experiences I have gained from the Summer School will be invaluable as I commence my final year of university.
A massive thank you to the Careers Queen’s University Belfast Global Opportunities Team for funding and organising the programme, and also to the team at Utrecht Data School for making this experience possible. #UtrechtSummerSchool“
Fancy studying in the Netherlands? We are offering up to £1,400 in funding for approx. 40 full time Queen’s Undergraduate students to complete a Utrecht Summer School Course in the Netherlands – closing date for applications for 2024 is 04 March 2024 at 12 noon.
Find our more about Utrecht Summer School courses places on our Utrecht Summer School web page.
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