employability Employer Engagement international students postgraduate

Employing International Students: A Guide for Employers

As an employer, tapping into the diverse talent pool of international students can bring numerous advantages to your organization. The recent changes in UK immigration policies have made it easier than ever to hire international graduates, allowing you to benefit from their skills and knowledge. In this blog post, we will explore two key routes for employing international students: the Graduate Route and the Skilled Worker Route. Additionally, we will cover the salary requirements and the process of obtaining a Skilled Worker route license. Let’s dive in!

The Graduate Route

The Graduate Route offers international graduates the opportunity to work or search for employment in the UK for up to two years (or three years for PhD holders). This route presents several benefits for employers:

  1. No sponsorship required: International students can apply for this unsponsored route independently, relieving employers of the sponsorship process and associated costs.
  2. No employer fees: Unlike other immigration routes, the Graduate Route does not require employers to pay any fees.
  3. Trial opportunity: This route allows you to observe and assess the performance of international graduates before committing to sponsorship.
  4. Potential for switching to the Skilled Worker route: If you find a valuable employee during their time on the Graduate Route, they can apply to switch into the Skilled Worker route, providing a seamless transition.

The Skilled Worker Route

The Skilled Worker visa has replaced the previous Tier 2 visa and offers employers even more advantages:

  1. Increased flexibility in skill levels: Employers can now sponsor jobs at or above the minimum skill level of RQF 3, equivalent to A-level qualifications, making a wider range of roles eligible for sponsorship.
  2. No time limit or cooling-off period: There are no restrictions on the length of time an employee can spend under the Skilled Worker route, providing greater control over staffing plans. Moreover, there is no cooling-off period between a person’s Skilled Worker visa and their next visa.
  3. No cap on numbers and no Resident Labour Market Test: The removal of these requirements has significantly reduced the time it takes to sponsor a Skilled Worker, allowing for quicker and smoother recruitment processes.
  4. Lower salary commitment: The lower “new entrant” rate has been extended from three to four years, making it more affordable for employers to hire international graduates.

Salary Requirements

When offering a position to graduates switching to the Skilled Worker route, it’s important to meet specific salary criteria:

  1. New entrant salary: Graduates switching within the UK from the Student route or the Graduate Route are considered new entrants. The salary offered to new entrants must be at least £20,480 per year or at least £10.10 per hour, along with meeting 70% of the “going rate” for the job.

Skilled Worker Route License: To employ international graduates under the Skilled Worker route, you will need to obtain a Skilled Worker route license. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. License application process: You can apply for a Skilled Worker route license online by following the government’s guidance on becoming a sponsor.
  2. License fees: The license fees are £536 for small or charitable sponsors and £1,476 for medium or large sponsors. These fees are one-time payments, although you will need to pay again when the license is up for renewal (typically every four years).
  3. Processing time: The government aims to process most applications within eight weeks. For faster processing, you may opt to pay £500 for a decision within ten working days.

Closing Remarks

Employing international students offers great benefits to employers, fostering diversity and bringing fresh perspectives to the workforce. The Graduate Route and the Skilled Worker Route present excellent opportunities for hiring international graduates, with streamlined processes and reduced costs. By embracing international talent, you can strengthen your organization and contribute to a global workforce.

If you have further questions or need assistance with employing international students, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Careers Department at QUB. We are here to support you in navigating the recruitment process and making the most of the talent available to you.

Find out more here.

Career planning Clubs and Societies community work Confidence Networking

Networking is Not as Scary as it Sounds!

Does the idea of reaching out to strangers and making connections make you nervous? Well, fear not! Networking is not as scary as it sounds, especially when you’re a student at Queen’s University Belfast. In fact, it can be an exciting and rewarding experience that can shape your future in more ways than you can imagine. Building a strong support network during your time at university is essential, and here are ten different ways you can do it:

  1. Join clubs and societies related to your interests or academic field: Queen’s offers a wide range of clubs and societies catering to various interests and academic disciplines. By joining these groups, you’ll not only meet like-minded individuals but also have the opportunity to connect with individuals who share your passion. Whether you’re into sports, arts, or academics, there’s a club or society for you.

2. Attend networking events and career fairs on campus: Universities often host networking events and career fairs where you can interact with professionals from different industries. These events are an excellent opportunity to expand your professional circle, gain insights into potential career paths, and even secure internships or job opportunities. Don’t miss out on these valuable occasions!

3. Participate in student government or leadership positions: Getting involved in student government or taking up leadership positions within student organizations is a fantastic way to network. These roles provide you with the chance to work closely with faculty members, administrators, and other student leaders. Not only will you enhance your leadership skills, but you’ll also forge connections that can help you throughout your academic and professional journey.

4. Engage in community service or volunteer work: Volunteering is a win-win situation. By giving back to the community, you not only make a positive impact but also open doors for networking. Many organizations and charities actively seek volunteers, and through these experiences, you can meet individuals who share your commitment to making a difference. Plus, volunteering looks great on your resume!

5. Form study groups with classmates to share knowledge and support each other: Studying can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be a solitary experience. Forming study groups with your classmates not only allows you to share knowledge and resources but also fosters a support system. These study groups can turn into lifelong friendships and professional connections, as you’ll be navigating your academic journey together.

6. Utilise online platforms and social media to connect with like-minded individuals: In this digital age, networking has become more accessible than ever. Leverage online platforms and social media to connect with individuals who share your interests or career aspirations. Join relevant groups, participate in discussions, and engage with professionals in your desired field. Platforms like LinkedIn can be particularly helpful in building your professional network.

7. Seek out mentors from faculty members or professionals in your desired field: Mentors can play a crucial role in your personal and professional development. Don’t hesitate to approach faculty members or professionals in your desired field to seek guidance and mentorship. These individuals have valuable insights and experiences to share, and their support can be invaluable as you navigate your academic and career choices.

8. Attend seminars, workshops, and guest lectures to expand your knowledge and meet new people: Queen’s often host a range of seminars, workshops, and guest lectures featuring experts in various fields. These events not only provide opportunities to expand your knowledge but also allow you to meet new people who share your interests. Engaging in conversations with speakers and fellow attendees can help you build connections and gain new perspectives.

9. Join professional associations or student chapters of industry-related organisations: Professional associations and student chapters of industry-related organisations are excellent resources for networking. These groups often host events, conferences, and workshops specifically tailored to your field of interest. By becoming a member, you’ll gain access to a network of professionals and fellow students who can offer guidance, mentorship, and potential career opportunities.

10. Attend alumni events and connect with graduates who can offer advice and support: Alumni events provide a unique opportunity to connect with graduates who have already ventured into the professional world. These individuals have firsthand experience and can offer valuable advice and support. Attending alumni events and engaging with alumni networks can open doors to internships, job opportunities, and valuable connections.

Remember, networking is not about approaching people with an agenda or solely for personal gain. It’s about building genuine relationships, sharing knowledge, and supporting each other. The connections you make during your time at Queen’s can have a lasting impact on your personal and professional life. So, don’t let the word “networking” intimidate you. Embrace the opportunities available to you, step out of your comfort zone, and watch your support network flourish!

Find out more about networking here.

advice Future-Ready Skills Graduate success transferrable skills

The Power of Transferable Skills: Unlocking Your Potential for Success

As a university student, you’re likely focused on acquiring knowledge and skills specific to your chosen field of study. However, it’s important to recognize that developing transferable skills can have numerous benefits that extend beyond your academic journey. In this blog, we will explore ten key advantages of transferable skills and how they can enhance your employability, career prospects, and personal growth.

  1. Enhanced Employability: Transferable skills are highly sought after by employers as they can be applied across various roles and industries. By developing these skills, you significantly improve your chances of securing employment after graduation. Employers value candidates who possess a diverse skill set, as it demonstrates adaptability and the ability to contribute effectively to different work environments.

2. Career Flexibility: Transferable skills provide you with the flexibility to explore different career paths and adapt to changing job market demands. With these skills, you can transfer your capabilities to new roles and industries, allowing for greater career mobility. This versatility empowers you to seize opportunities that align with your evolving interests and aspirations.

3. Increased Market Value: Recognizing and developing transferable skills increases your market value as a potential employee. Employers recognize the value of these skills and are often willing to offer higher salaries or better opportunities to candidates who possess them. Your ability to contribute in various areas and adapt to new challenges makes you an asset to any organization.

4. Adapting to Change: Transferable skills equip you with the ability to adapt to new situations and challenges. As the workplace continues to evolve, being adaptable and open to change is crucial for success. Developing these skills helps you embrace new technologies, work methods, and industry trends, ensuring your relevance in a dynamic professional landscape.

5. Effective Communication: Communication skills are essential across all fields and highly valued by employers. Enhancing your ability to articulate ideas, listen actively, and convey information effectively benefits you in your academic, professional, and personal life. Strong communication skills enable you to connect with others, build relationships, and collaborate successfully.

6. Collaboration and Teamwork: Collaboration is an essential skill in the workplace. Developing your ability to work effectively in teams, collaborate with diverse individuals, and contribute positively to group dynamics enhances your employability and makes you a valuable team member. These skills enable you to navigate interpersonal relationships, foster creativity, and achieve collective goals.

7. Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: Transferable skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking enable you to approach challenges from multiple perspectives, analyze complex situations, and develop innovative solutions. These skills are valuable in all areas of life, including academia and the workplace. Employers seek individuals who can think critically, solve problems efficiently, and make informed decisions.

8. Leadership Potential: Recognizing and developing transferable skills can help you nurture your leadership potential. Skills like decision-making, conflict resolution, and delegation are essential for effective leadership and can be developed through various experiences and opportunities. Leadership qualities are highly regarded by employers and can open doors to managerial positions and increased responsibilities.

9. Personal Growth: Developing transferable skills goes beyond professional benefits. It also promotes personal growth by enhancing self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-motivation. These skills can positively impact your personal relationships and overall well-being. As you develop these skills, you become better equipped to handle challenges, communicate your needs, and build meaningful connections with others.

10. Lifelong Learning: Transferable skills foster a mindset of continuous learning and personal development. By recognizing and developing these skills, you cultivate a desire to acquire new knowledge and enhance existing abilities, leading to ongoing growth throughout your life. This commitment to lifelong learning ensures that you remain adaptable and resilient in the face of evolving demands.

Conclusion: Recognizing and developing transferable skills is a transformative journey that can greatly enhance your employability, career prospects, and personal fulfillment. These skills empower you to navigate a rapidly changing world and embrace new opportunities. By investing in your transferable skills, you unlock your potential for success in both professional and personal spheres, paving the way for a rewarding and fulfilling future.

Find more careers advice here.

advice Career Options Career planning Graduate jobs

10 Ways to Explore Flexible and Non-Linear Career Options

Are you open to exploring flexible and non-linear career options beyond your field of study? Queen’s University Belfast’s Careers Team is here to help you navigate the world of possibilities. We have compiled a list of ten effective strategies to expand your horizons and discover alternative career paths. Let’s dive in!

  1. Attend Career Fairs: University career fairs are treasure troves of opportunities. They bring together employers from various industries, allowing you to explore a diverse range of companies and job roles. Take the chance to connect with professionals outside your field of study and discover new possibilities.

2. Request Informational Interviews: Informational interviews are invaluable for gaining insights into alternative career paths. Reach out to professionals working in industries that interest you and request a chat. Learn about the skills, experiences, and day-to-day realities of different roles. This firsthand knowledge can broaden your perspective.

3. Engage in Networking Events: Networking is key to expanding your career options. Attend both in-person and online networking events to connect with professionals from diverse fields. Building a diverse network enables you to learn about different career paths and opens doors to opportunities beyond your immediate knowledge base.

4. Pursue Internships and Part-Time Work: Don’t limit yourself to your field of study. Explore internships and part-time jobs in different industries. This hands-on experience exposes you to new fields and roles, helping you discover what you enjoy and excel at, even if it’s unrelated to your degree.

5. Utilise Online Resources and Job Platforms: Online platforms like LinkedIn and MyFuture are treasure troves of job postings across various sectors. MyFuture, specifically tailored for Queen’s students, allows you to search for entry-level positions or roles open to graduates from any discipline. Explore the wide range of possibilities available to you.

6. Engage in Volunteer Work: Volunteering is a fantastic way to gain exposure to diverse experiences and organizations. Explore different sectors, work with people from various backgrounds, and develop transferable skills applicable to multiple industries. Volunteer work can be a gateway to unexpected career paths.

7. Seek Career Consultations: Take advantage of Queen’s 1-2-1 Careers Consultation service. These consultations provide personalized guidance and support tailored to your interests and strengths. Tap into this valuable resource to explore different career paths and connect with relevant opportunities.

8. Join Professional Associations and Clubs: Many professional associations and clubs welcome student members. By joining these organizations, you gain access to industry-specific events, mentorship programs, and networking opportunities. This exposure enables you to explore careers beyond your degree discipline and build a strong professional network.

9. Participate in Careers Events and Programs: Broaden your skill set and increase your versatility in the job market by participating in career events and programs. Queen’s University Belfast offers a wide range of in-person and online programs in diverse fields. These programs allow you to explore new career options and gain valuable experience.

10. Conduct Informational Interviews with Alumni: Tap into the power of Queen’s alumni network. Reach out to alumni who have pursued unconventional career paths and ask for informational interviews. Alumni can provide valuable insights, advice, and mentorship from their successful non-linear career trajectories.

Embrace the world of possibilities beyond your field of study. By exploring flexible and non-linear career options, you can find fulfilling paths that align with your passions and strengths. Take advantage of the resources and opportunities available at Queen’s University Belfast, and remember, your career journey is unique—forge your path with confidence!

Find more careers advice here.

advice Career planning employability Employer Panels Graduate success

IoD Young Directors Forum with nijobfinder

Embarking on a career journey can be both exciting and daunting for university students. With the ever-evolving job market and increasing competition, it is crucial to gather insights from experienced professionals who have successfully navigated their own career paths. Recently, we had the privilege of hosting a panel discussion with industry experts, Gavin Annon, Claire Brannigan, Connor Diamond, and Steve Lazars, who shared valuable advice and personal anecdotes about their professional journeys.

Embrace Mistakes and Take Risks: Gavin Annon, Sales & Marketing Director at Mount Charles Group, emphasized the importance of making mistakes and taking risks. He encouraged students to step outside their comfort zones, as normal is no longer the norm in today’s competitive job market. Gavin stated, “Please do go make mistakes because nothing’s perfect…you’ve got to make those mistakes and take risks.” Embracing mistakes allows for growth and learning, ultimately helping individuals discover their true capabilities.

Define Your Own Path: Claire Brannigan, Founder of Skinakin Ltd, highlighted the significance of intentionality in shaping one’s career. She emphasized the need to be intentional about where you’re going and what your why is. Claire shared her own experience, stating, “It was only when I started to take a step back and say, ‘What do you want to do? What’s your interest? What are you good at?’…things started to change.” By aligning your career choices with your values, interests, and strengths, you can find fulfillment and success.

Develop a Diverse Skill Set: The panelists emphasized the importance of developing a diverse skill set. Steve Lazars, Director & Founder of Ethnic Minority Employment & Entrepreneurship Network, urged students to broaden their horizons and gain experience across different sectors. He shared, “Putting myself out there actually gave me certain tools, contacts, and understandings about bringing solutions to the product…find some innovative ways of finding solutions.” A diverse skill set enhances adaptability, problem-solving abilities, and brings added value to any role.

Focus on People Skills: While technical knowledge is important, the panelists stressed the significance of people skills in career growth. Claire Brannigan stated, “The things that will really help accelerate your career is the human side of your skill set…being able to communicate effectively, negotiate, and understand different cultural norms.” Developing strong interpersonal skills, such as effective communication and adaptability, can set individuals apart and open doors to new opportunities.

Embrace Curiosity and Continuous Learning: The experts highlighted the importance of curiosity and continuous learning. Connor Diamond, Head of Digital Insights & at Mediahuis Ireland, encouraged students to continually set and review goals, both professional and personal. He emphasized the value of pursuing hobbies and interests outside of work, as they can bring joy and enrich one’s life. Steve Lazars added, “Stay curious, join the dots across different domains, bring value back…always be a detective and solve problems.” Embracing curiosity and a thirst for knowledge can lead to innovative thinking and contribute to career success.

Summary: The event provided invaluable insights for students navigating their career journeys. Panellists emphasised the importance of taking risks, finding the right environment, developing a diverse skill set, staying true to personal values, and fostering a positive attitude. These key takeaways will empower students to make informed decisions, adapt to a changing job market, and embark on fulfilling and successful careers. Remember, embrace mistakes, seize opportunities, and let your values guide you.

Find more careers advice here.

Feedback Future-Ready Skills Leadership Student experience

Future-Ready Skills for Leaders Programme

At Queen’s University Belfast, the Future-Ready Skills for Leaders programme has made a significant impact on students’ personal and professional development. Participants of the program have shared their positive feedback, highlighting the transformative nature of the experience. In this blog post, we will delve into the students’ feedback and explore the valuable lessons they gained from the programme. Their testimonials demonstrate the program’s effectiveness in fostering growth, building confidence, and preparing students for future career success.

  1. A Journey of Self-Discovery: Many students expressed how the programme provided them with insights into their own strengths and areas for improvement. They appreciated the thought process behind each activity, which kept them engaged and motivated throughout the three-day duration. The experience pushed them out of their comfort zones, leading to personal growth and an enhanced understanding of themselves.

What our students say: “Participating in the Future-Ready Program has been an incredible journey for me. It taught me so much about myself, my strengths, and areas for improvement.”

  1. Importance of Teamwork and Communication: Students recognized the significance of teamwork, communication, and collaboration through their participation in real-world problem-solving activities. They appreciated the opportunity to work with peers from different degree backgrounds, which provided them with a diverse range of ideas and perspectives. The programme emphasized the value of effective communication and showcased the power of working together as a team.

What our students say: “This was a significant learning experience as it taught me the importance of teamwork, communication, and collaboration. We got to work on real-world problems and provided solutions that were innovative and practical.”

  1. Confidence Boost and Leadership Skills: The Future-Ready programme played a crucial role in boosting students’ confidence and developing their leadership skills. Engaging in activities such as pitch presentations and marketing presentations helped students realize their communication abilities and the impact they could make through their speeches. This newfound confidence encouraged them to pursue more opportunities and take on challenging situations without panicking.

What our students say: “I learned that my communication skills were in fact good and that I was making a genuine impact with my speech. This was a real eye-opener for me because it increased my confidence as a person to pursue more opportunities in the field.”

  1. Networking and Connections: Participants appreciated the opportunity to network with peers from different cultural and professional backgrounds, as well as with teachers and mentors beyond their campus. The diversity of ideas and perspectives enriched their experience and expanded their professional network. They recognized the value of these connections in both their career and personal life.

What our students say: “I have made some real connections that are going to be an add-on to my career as well as my personal life.”

  1. Real-World Relevance and Transferable Skills: Students acknowledged the practicality and real-world relevance of the skills they acquired during the programme. They learned to handle complex tasks, manage unforeseen circumstances, and deliver professional projects with tight deadlines. The development of critical abilities such as problem-solving, negotiation, time management, and communication has equipped them to excel in future endeavours.

What our students say: “These learned skills are transferable to real-world scenarios as they will help me to deliver professional projects and tasks with tight deadlines. This would eventually help me to handle complex tasks and projects with deadlines in the future.”

Summary: The Future-Ready Skills for Leaders programme at Queen’s has empowered students to discover their strengths, improve their communication and leadership skills, embrace teamwork, expand their network, and develop transferable skills. By participating in this transformative experience, students have gained the confidence and readiness to face future challenges and excel in their professional lives. The Future-Ready programme continues to be a valuable opportunity for students seeking personal and professional growth.

Find out more here.

Scholarships Student experience student success

£1,000 Giveaway

All students are eligible including undergraduates, postgraduates, part-time and full-time students. We’ve created the grants in partnership with Santander Universities with the specific aim of supporting you through your studies, at a time when personal finances are stretched. You could spend your grant on study resources or use it towards living expenses over the summer break.

To apply, you must visit the Santander Scholarships platform and register for an account, if you haven’t already. After applying you will receive a confirmation email and then you can apply for the Brighter Futures Grants initiative. On the application form, you must choose Queen’s University Belfast.

Although this initiative has been built in partnership with Santander Universities, you do not need to be a Santander customer to apply. You must apply before 11pm on 30 June 2023. Once applications have closed, we’ll pick 10 students at random.

This is a unique opportunity and just one of the many ways we’re working with internal and external partners to support our students with their finances. Be sure to share this with coursemates, housemates or anyone else who might be eligible.

To find out more about the Brighter Futures Grants and how you can apply, visit the Santander Scholarships platform.

Graduate jobs Graduate success interview tips student success

10 Effective Ways to Research a Company as a Student

As a student preparing for your professional journey, researching a company before applying or attending an interview is essential. Understanding a company’s culture, values, and work environment can help you make informed decisions and find the best fit for your career aspirations. To assist you in this process, we’ve compiled a list of ten effective ways for students to research a company. From exploring their website and social media presence to reading employee reviews and attending company events, these research methods will provide you with valuable insights into the company’s ethos. So, let’s dive in and equip you with the knowledge you need to make the right career choices.

Look at the company website

Start by exploring the company’s website. Pay attention to their mission statement, values, and company culture sections. This will give you a solid foundation for understanding their overall ethos.

Check out their social media

Delve into the company’s social media presence. Look for posts that provide insights into their culture, such as employee events and activities. Social media can give you a more candid glimpse into the company’s day-to-day operations.

Read employee reviews

Browse websites like Glassdoor to read reviews from current and former employees. Their experiences can offer valuable perspectives on the company’s work environment and culture.

Talk to alumni

Reach out to any alumni who have completed a placement or worked at the company before. Alumni can provide firsthand insights into the company’s culture and help you make informed decisions.

Attend company events

Take advantage of opportunities to attend company events geared towards potential employees or interns. These events allow you to meet current employees and gain a deeper understanding of the company’s values and culture.

Research company news

Stay updated with the latest company news and press releases. This will give you valuable insights into their strategic priorities, achievements, and industry developments.

Check out their social responsibility initiatives

Many companies engage in social responsibility initiatives, such as sustainability efforts or charitable work. Understanding these initiatives sheds light on their commitment to societal impact and values.

Review their branding and marketing materials

Study the company’s branding and marketing materials, including their website, advertisements, and promotional content. These materials often reflect their culture and values, providing useful information for your research.

Look at their partnerships and collaborations

Examine the company’s partnerships and collaborations with other organizations. Understanding their network and alliances can reveal their industry standing, shared values, and strategic priorities.

Ask questions during the interview process

During interviews, don’t hesitate to ask thoughtful questions about the company’s culture and values. This demonstrates your genuine interest and eagerness to align with their vision and mission.

By following these ten effective research methods, you’ll gain valuable insights into a company’s culture, values, and overall work environment. Armed with this knowledge, you can make informed decisions and find the best fit for your professional aspirations.

Find more interview prep tips here.

Graduate success placement work experience

Top 10 Tips for Making the Most out of Your Placement

Embarking on a placement is an exciting opportunity for students at Queen’s University Belfast to gain practical experience in their chosen field. Whether you’re about to start your placement or are already knee-deep in the experience, we’ve compiled a list of the top ten tips to help you make the most of your time and thrive in the professional environment. Let’s dive in!

  1. Set Clear Objectives

Before you begin your placement, take some time to define your goals and objectives. Identify what you hope to achieve during this experience, whether it’s acquiring new skills, specializing in a particular area, or expanding your professional network. Clear objectives will keep you focused and motivated throughout your placement.

2. Understand the Company Culture

Every workplace has its unique culture and values. Take the initiative to understand your company’s culture and align your actions accordingly. Embracing the company’s values will not only help you fit in better but also make you more productive and successful in your role.

3. Develop a Good Relationship with Your Supervisor

Your supervisor will play a crucial role in guiding and supporting you throughout your placement. Building a strong relationship with them from the start is essential. Maintain open lines of communication, seek regular feedback on your work, and proactively address any challenges or concerns.

4. Be Proactive

Don’t wait for instructions; take the initiative to go above and beyond. Volunteer for new tasks and responsibilities, demonstrate your eagerness to learn, and showcase your skills. Being proactive will not only enhance your learning experience but also leave a lasting positive impression on your colleagues and supervisors.

5. Network with Colleagues

One of the greatest benefits of a placement is the opportunity to connect with professionals in your industry. Engage with your colleagues, attend company events, and participate in networking activities. Building relationships can provide valuable insights, potential mentors, and even future job opportunities.

6. Ask Questions

Never hesitate to ask questions when you’re unsure about something. It’s better to seek clarification than to make mistakes that could have been easily avoided. Remember, everyone understands that you’re there to learn, and asking questions demonstrates your dedication and willingness to grow.

7. Be Professional

Treat your placement as a professional job. Maintain a high level of professionalism at all times, from your punctuality to your appearance and behavior. Dress appropriately, respect your colleagues’ time and opinions, and adhere to the company’s policies and guidelines.

8. Keep a Record of Your Achievements

Documenting your accomplishments during your placement is essential for future reference. Keep track of your projects, tasks, and any notable achievements. This record will serve as a valuable resource when updating your resume and preparing for future job interviews.

9. Seek Feedback

Regularly seek feedback from your supervisor and colleagues. Constructive criticism will help you identify areas for improvement and develop your skills further. Embrace feedback as an opportunity for growth and demonstrate your commitment to personal and professional development.

10. Leave a Good Impression

As your placement comes to an end, ensure you leave a positive lasting impression with your employer. Express your gratitude for the opportunity and convey your interest in potential future roles within the company. This could lead to job offers or valuable references down the line.


Your placement at Queen’s University Belfast is a significant stepping stone towards your future career. By setting clear objectives, embracing the company culture, nurturing professional relationships, and demonstrating proactive and professional behavior, you can maximize your experience and lay a solid foundation for future success. Remember, this placement is an opportunity for growth, learning, and professional development. Make the most of it, and enjoy every moment of your journey!

Find placements on MyFuture.

Graduate success interview tips student success

How to Succeed in an Interview as a Graduate: Essential Tips

As a recent graduate, stepping into the world of job interviews can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. However, with the right preparation and mindset, you can navigate this crucial stage with confidence and increase your chances of securing that dream job. At Queen’s University Belfast, we understand the importance of interview success, and we’ve compiled a list of essential tips to help you ace your next interview.

  1. Research the Company:

Before your interview, take the time to thoroughly research the company you’re applying to. Familiarize yourself with their mission, vision, values, and the products or services they offer. This knowledge will allow you to tailor your answers and demonstrate genuine interest in the organization, showing the interviewer that you’re serious about joining their team.

2. Prepare for Common Interview Questions:

While each interview is unique, there are several common questions that frequently arise across different industries. Take advantage of this by preparing your answers in advance. Reflect on your experiences, skills, and achievements, and craft concise and compelling responses that highlight your strengths. Practice your answers until you feel comfortable delivering them naturally.

3. Practice, Practice, Practice:

Practice makes perfect, and this holds true for interviews as well. Enlist the help of a friend, family member, or mentor to conduct mock interviews with you. Alternatively, you can practice in front of a mirror to observe your body language and non-verbal cues. Rehearsing your responses will boost your confidence, improve your delivery, and help you handle any unexpected curveballs during the actual interview.

4. Dress Appropriately:

First impressions matter, and your appearance plays a significant role in shaping them. Dress professionally and appropriately for the job interview, ensuring your clothes are clean, neatly pressed, and suitable for the company culture. By presenting yourself as polished and well put-together, you’ll convey your professionalism and respect for the opportunity.

5. Arrive Early:

Punctuality is a sign of reliability and respect. Make it a point to arrive early for your interview. This will not only give you a buffer in case of unexpected delays but also allow you to compose yourself before the meeting. Arriving on time demonstrates your commitment to the process and sets a positive tone for the rest of the interview.

6. Show Enthusiasm:

During the interview, it’s crucial to let your enthusiasm shine through. Smile, maintain good eye contact, and engage actively with the interviewer. Express your genuine interest in the role and the company, highlighting specific aspects that appeal to you. Positive energy and a friendly demeanour can make a lasting impression and showcase your potential as a motivated and passionate candidate.

7. Highlight Your Skills and Experiences:

Use the interview as an opportunity to showcase your skills, experiences, and achievements. Relate your past accomplishments to the requirements of the job, providing specific examples that demonstrate your capabilities. Whether it’s through internships, coursework, or extracurricular activities, emphasize how your unique background and skill set can contribute to the company’s success.

8. Ask Thoughtful Questions:

At the end of the interview, the interviewer will typically ask if you have any questions. Prepare a list of thoughtful and relevant questions about the company, the role, or the team dynamics. This not only demonstrates your interest and engagement but also allows you to gather valuable insights about the position and company culture. Asking insightful questions showcases your curiosity and shows that you’ve done your homework.


Embarking on the job interview journey as a graduate can feel overwhelming, but remember that you possess unique skills and experiences that make you an attractive candidate. By researching the company, practicing your responses, dressing appropriately, arriving early, and showing enthusiasm, you can greatly enhance your likelihood of performing successfully during your interview.

Find out more: