Careers programmes gradireland Graduate success

The gradireland Undergraduate of the Year Awards 2024

Queen’s Computer Science student Tim Chan, takes us through his night as an award nominee at the gradireland Undergraduate of the Year Awards 2024.

Take it away Tim…

“A few months ago, an email from the Queen’s Student Union’s VP of Undergrad Education told us about the gradireland Undergraduate of the Year Awards. The gradireland Undergraduate of the Year Awards is an annual competition aimed at finding the best undergraduates in Ireland. Each award is sponsored by a different graduate recruitment company with its own prize including things like cash prizes or work experience with the graduate employer.”

“I nominated myself for the ‘Difference Maker Undergraduate of the Year Award’, in the hope of highlighting some of the work I do in student societies and as school rep for EEECS to inspire other students to also take part in these rewarding activities. The nomination process included an online application form with specific questions about the award, an online test and an online interview (this differs depending on the award category). About a month later, I received an email that I was shortlisted as one of the top 10 finalists of the award, and was invited to the final award ceremony in Dublin.”

“The award ceremony was in the Aviva Stadium in Dublin during April, and it was amazing. We were greeted by gradireland and were given complimentary tea/coffee and some snacks for about an hour of networking with finalists from all the award categories. This was followed by an amazing three course dinner, which was really good, better than any formal dinner I’ve been to during uni. It was at that table that I met another student from Queen’s, Mary Freeman, who was nominated for the same award category, and we found out that we were even on the same train on the way down.”

“During the awards dinner we sat with representatives from the graduate employer sponsor of our award. That was when I met Barry who was currently the Vice President of Chartered Accountants and was about to enter a new role as President. I thought the experience was going to be super scary, but everyone was very friendly, we shared funny experiences and everyone’s career journey even though mine hadn’t even started and everyone was very down to earth.”

“Whilst I didn’t win the final award, this was an amazing experience. I got to network with other amazing finalists and was told that if a careers as a Software Engineer doesn’t work out, I could always try accountancy. I would definitely recommend anyone to apply for the awards when they come out in future years, there’s absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain!”

Some highlights from the night of the awards, including that amazing three course awards dinner!

CVs Graduate jobs Graduate success placements Scholarships STEM student success work experience

Get Future-ready with The Defence STEM Undergraduate Sponsorship Scheme

Is it right for you?

Do you want to be an integral part of maintaining national security now and in the future, whilst developing your skills and career within the Nuclear industry? Would you like the opportunity to have an exciting and varied career working with the most cutting edge technology? Then this Defence STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) Undergraduate Sponsorship (DSUS) Scheme could be the opportunity you are looking for! This is a genuinely exciting time to join the Ministry of Defence (MOD) if you want to be at the heart of real Defence issues. You will get to work on a high profile and distinctive portfolio which is rarely out of the news and have a unique insight into the captivating world of nuclear. You will require an eagerness to learn, an inquisitive mind with a logical approach to problem solving, self-motivation, and the ability to learn from practical and theoretical studies. The scheme requires dedication from you to complete the remainder of your STEM degree and commit to work in the DNE for a minimum of 3 years after you graduate. If this sounds like you, then we want to hear from you!

During your studies:

If you are accepted onto this sponsorship scheme, whilst you study for your degree, we will:

  • Pay your tuition fees (up to £9,250 each year for the remainder of your studies, to a maximum of 3 years).
  • Pay you a bursary of £5,000 each year for the remainder of your studies.
  • Organise paid work placements for you in a variety of locations across the UK – these placements are crafted to give you experience of the DNE that will be of value to your future career and to your development

Upon graduation:

On successful completion of your degree, we will appoint you to a permanent job within the DNE. Your contracted hours will be 37 hours per week. You will initially start as an Executive Officer (EO) (current minimum £27,080). At the 2-year point there may be an opportunity for you to re-grade (promote) to Higher Executive Officer (HEO) (current minimum £33,830). Roles are available in a variety of locations across the UK. We will continue to support you with professional development in order to maintain your skills and professional accreditations.

Who is eligible?

You must be studying for a degree in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) approved by the Engineering Council ( OR be studying a degree from the list in the relevant advert. You can apply for this scheme at any stage of your studies from first to final year. You must be able to undertake paid work placements for up to 45 days during the summer. You must commit to work within the DNE on graduation and for a minimum of three years. Please note that this is an undergraduate scheme – so if you have already graduated, you will not be eligible.

Where are the opportunities?

The Defence Nuclear Enterprise (DNE) is made up of several government and industry organisations that sustain the UK’s nuclear deterrent. This includes the organisations, programmes, and people within government and industry that help deliver the UK’s nuclear capability. There are opportunities in Portsmouth, Bristol and Reading, each advertised under a separate reference number.

How to apply

Civil Service Jobs:

Portsmouth: Navy Command Ref: 295665

Bristol: Submarine Delivery Agency (SDA) Ref: 295582

Reading: Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) Ref: 295643

Closing date for applications: 23:55 Monday 14th August For further information, contact

advice Future-Ready Skills Graduate success transferrable skills

The Power of Transferable Skills: Unlocking Your Potential for Success

As a university student, you’re likely focused on acquiring knowledge and skills specific to your chosen field of study. However, it’s important to recognize that developing transferable skills can have numerous benefits that extend beyond your academic journey. In this blog, we will explore ten key advantages of transferable skills and how they can enhance your employability, career prospects, and personal growth.

  1. Enhanced Employability: Transferable skills are highly sought after by employers as they can be applied across various roles and industries. By developing these skills, you significantly improve your chances of securing employment after graduation. Employers value candidates who possess a diverse skill set, as it demonstrates adaptability and the ability to contribute effectively to different work environments.

2. Career Flexibility: Transferable skills provide you with the flexibility to explore different career paths and adapt to changing job market demands. With these skills, you can transfer your capabilities to new roles and industries, allowing for greater career mobility. This versatility empowers you to seize opportunities that align with your evolving interests and aspirations.

3. Increased Market Value: Recognizing and developing transferable skills increases your market value as a potential employee. Employers recognize the value of these skills and are often willing to offer higher salaries or better opportunities to candidates who possess them. Your ability to contribute in various areas and adapt to new challenges makes you an asset to any organization.

4. Adapting to Change: Transferable skills equip you with the ability to adapt to new situations and challenges. As the workplace continues to evolve, being adaptable and open to change is crucial for success. Developing these skills helps you embrace new technologies, work methods, and industry trends, ensuring your relevance in a dynamic professional landscape.

5. Effective Communication: Communication skills are essential across all fields and highly valued by employers. Enhancing your ability to articulate ideas, listen actively, and convey information effectively benefits you in your academic, professional, and personal life. Strong communication skills enable you to connect with others, build relationships, and collaborate successfully.

6. Collaboration and Teamwork: Collaboration is an essential skill in the workplace. Developing your ability to work effectively in teams, collaborate with diverse individuals, and contribute positively to group dynamics enhances your employability and makes you a valuable team member. These skills enable you to navigate interpersonal relationships, foster creativity, and achieve collective goals.

7. Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: Transferable skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking enable you to approach challenges from multiple perspectives, analyze complex situations, and develop innovative solutions. These skills are valuable in all areas of life, including academia and the workplace. Employers seek individuals who can think critically, solve problems efficiently, and make informed decisions.

8. Leadership Potential: Recognizing and developing transferable skills can help you nurture your leadership potential. Skills like decision-making, conflict resolution, and delegation are essential for effective leadership and can be developed through various experiences and opportunities. Leadership qualities are highly regarded by employers and can open doors to managerial positions and increased responsibilities.

9. Personal Growth: Developing transferable skills goes beyond professional benefits. It also promotes personal growth by enhancing self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-motivation. These skills can positively impact your personal relationships and overall well-being. As you develop these skills, you become better equipped to handle challenges, communicate your needs, and build meaningful connections with others.

10. Lifelong Learning: Transferable skills foster a mindset of continuous learning and personal development. By recognizing and developing these skills, you cultivate a desire to acquire new knowledge and enhance existing abilities, leading to ongoing growth throughout your life. This commitment to lifelong learning ensures that you remain adaptable and resilient in the face of evolving demands.

Conclusion: Recognizing and developing transferable skills is a transformative journey that can greatly enhance your employability, career prospects, and personal fulfillment. These skills empower you to navigate a rapidly changing world and embrace new opportunities. By investing in your transferable skills, you unlock your potential for success in both professional and personal spheres, paving the way for a rewarding and fulfilling future.

Find more careers advice here.

Graduate jobs Graduate success interview tips student success

10 Effective Ways to Research a Company as a Student

As a student preparing for your professional journey, researching a company before applying or attending an interview is essential. Understanding a company’s culture, values, and work environment can help you make informed decisions and find the best fit for your career aspirations. To assist you in this process, we’ve compiled a list of ten effective ways for students to research a company. From exploring their website and social media presence to reading employee reviews and attending company events, these research methods will provide you with valuable insights into the company’s ethos. So, let’s dive in and equip you with the knowledge you need to make the right career choices.

Look at the company website

Start by exploring the company’s website. Pay attention to their mission statement, values, and company culture sections. This will give you a solid foundation for understanding their overall ethos.

Check out their social media

Delve into the company’s social media presence. Look for posts that provide insights into their culture, such as employee events and activities. Social media can give you a more candid glimpse into the company’s day-to-day operations.

Read employee reviews

Browse websites like Glassdoor to read reviews from current and former employees. Their experiences can offer valuable perspectives on the company’s work environment and culture.

Talk to alumni

Reach out to any alumni who have completed a placement or worked at the company before. Alumni can provide firsthand insights into the company’s culture and help you make informed decisions.

Attend company events

Take advantage of opportunities to attend company events geared towards potential employees or interns. These events allow you to meet current employees and gain a deeper understanding of the company’s values and culture.

Research company news

Stay updated with the latest company news and press releases. This will give you valuable insights into their strategic priorities, achievements, and industry developments.

Check out their social responsibility initiatives

Many companies engage in social responsibility initiatives, such as sustainability efforts or charitable work. Understanding these initiatives sheds light on their commitment to societal impact and values.

Review their branding and marketing materials

Study the company’s branding and marketing materials, including their website, advertisements, and promotional content. These materials often reflect their culture and values, providing useful information for your research.

Look at their partnerships and collaborations

Examine the company’s partnerships and collaborations with other organizations. Understanding their network and alliances can reveal their industry standing, shared values, and strategic priorities.

Ask questions during the interview process

During interviews, don’t hesitate to ask thoughtful questions about the company’s culture and values. This demonstrates your genuine interest and eagerness to align with their vision and mission.

By following these ten effective research methods, you’ll gain valuable insights into a company’s culture, values, and overall work environment. Armed with this knowledge, you can make informed decisions and find the best fit for your professional aspirations.

Find more interview prep tips here.

Graduate success interview tips student success

How to Succeed in an Interview as a Graduate: Essential Tips

As a recent graduate, stepping into the world of job interviews can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. However, with the right preparation and mindset, you can navigate this crucial stage with confidence and increase your chances of securing that dream job. At Queen’s University Belfast, we understand the importance of interview success, and we’ve compiled a list of essential tips to help you ace your next interview.

  1. Research the Company:

Before your interview, take the time to thoroughly research the company you’re applying to. Familiarize yourself with their mission, vision, values, and the products or services they offer. This knowledge will allow you to tailor your answers and demonstrate genuine interest in the organization, showing the interviewer that you’re serious about joining their team.

2. Prepare for Common Interview Questions:

While each interview is unique, there are several common questions that frequently arise across different industries. Take advantage of this by preparing your answers in advance. Reflect on your experiences, skills, and achievements, and craft concise and compelling responses that highlight your strengths. Practice your answers until you feel comfortable delivering them naturally.

3. Practice, Practice, Practice:

Practice makes perfect, and this holds true for interviews as well. Enlist the help of a friend, family member, or mentor to conduct mock interviews with you. Alternatively, you can practice in front of a mirror to observe your body language and non-verbal cues. Rehearsing your responses will boost your confidence, improve your delivery, and help you handle any unexpected curveballs during the actual interview.

4. Dress Appropriately:

First impressions matter, and your appearance plays a significant role in shaping them. Dress professionally and appropriately for the job interview, ensuring your clothes are clean, neatly pressed, and suitable for the company culture. By presenting yourself as polished and well put-together, you’ll convey your professionalism and respect for the opportunity.

5. Arrive Early:

Punctuality is a sign of reliability and respect. Make it a point to arrive early for your interview. This will not only give you a buffer in case of unexpected delays but also allow you to compose yourself before the meeting. Arriving on time demonstrates your commitment to the process and sets a positive tone for the rest of the interview.

6. Show Enthusiasm:

During the interview, it’s crucial to let your enthusiasm shine through. Smile, maintain good eye contact, and engage actively with the interviewer. Express your genuine interest in the role and the company, highlighting specific aspects that appeal to you. Positive energy and a friendly demeanour can make a lasting impression and showcase your potential as a motivated and passionate candidate.

7. Highlight Your Skills and Experiences:

Use the interview as an opportunity to showcase your skills, experiences, and achievements. Relate your past accomplishments to the requirements of the job, providing specific examples that demonstrate your capabilities. Whether it’s through internships, coursework, or extracurricular activities, emphasize how your unique background and skill set can contribute to the company’s success.

8. Ask Thoughtful Questions:

At the end of the interview, the interviewer will typically ask if you have any questions. Prepare a list of thoughtful and relevant questions about the company, the role, or the team dynamics. This not only demonstrates your interest and engagement but also allows you to gather valuable insights about the position and company culture. Asking insightful questions showcases your curiosity and shows that you’ve done your homework.


Embarking on the job interview journey as a graduate can feel overwhelming, but remember that you possess unique skills and experiences that make you an attractive candidate. By researching the company, practicing your responses, dressing appropriately, arriving early, and showing enthusiasm, you can greatly enhance your likelihood of performing successfully during your interview.

Find out more:

Career Options Career planning employability Future-Ready Skills Graduate success

Are you Future-Ready?

As a student, you are on a journey to build a foundation for your future career. However, being future-ready is more than just getting good grades or completing a degree. It requires a set of skills and competencies that will prepare you to thrive in the workplace and make a positive impact in the world. Here are some tips to help you become future-ready while at Queen’s University Belfast.

Be curious

Curiosity is a key driver of learning and growth. It helps you to explore new possibilities, discover innovative solutions, and enhance your creativity. To nurture your curiosity, be open to new experiences and perspectives. Take advantage of opportunities to study abroad, attend workshops and conferences, or engage in extracurricular activities. Stay curious about the world around you, and never stop learning.

Be kind

Empathy is a fundamental human trait that is essential for building relationships, fostering collaboration, and creating positive change. To develop your empathy skills, practice active listening, express appreciation and gratitude, and show compassion towards others. Build a supportive network of peers, mentors, and advisors who can help you navigate the challenges of university life and beyond.

Develop resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change, and overcome adversity. It is a critical skill for success in the workplace, where you will face numerous challenges and obstacles. To develop resilience, practice self-care, seek support from others, and learn from your failures. Challenge yourself to take on new tasks and responsibilities, and use them as opportunities for growth and learning.

Foster your creativity

Creativity is the ability to generate new and innovative ideas that can solve problems, inspire change, and create value. To foster your creativity, engage in activities that inspire you and allow you to express your unique talents and perspectives. Join clubs and societies that align with your interests and passions, and collaborate with others to develop new projects and initiatives.

Learn to work in teams

Teamwork is a fundamental skill that is essential for success in the workplace. To develop your teamwork skills, seek out opportunities to collaborate with others on projects, volunteer in your community, or participate in extracurricular activities. Learn to communicate effectively, listen actively, and contribute to a shared goal. Take on leadership roles where you can guide and support others towards a common objective.

Inspire action

Action is the ability to take initiative, make decisions, and achieve your goals. To inspire action, identify your passions, strengths, and values, and pursue them with purpose and determination. Take calculated risks, learn from your mistakes, and seek out opportunities to make a positive impact in your community and beyond. Be a role model for others by demonstrating integrity, honesty, and ethical behaviour.


In conclusion, being future-ready is a journey that requires continuous learning, growth, and development. By adopting these tips and strategies, you can prepare yourself to succeed in the workplace and make a meaningful contribution to society. Remember, your time at Queen’s University Belfast is an opportunity to build a strong foundation for your future, so make the most of it!

Read more:


Work Shadowing Week 2023

During Work Shadowing Week 2023, Queen’s University Belfast students had the opportunity to experience a day in the life of professionals in various industries in Northern Ireland. Here are seven top takeaways from our student participants:

Great advice

  1. Criminology student Pamela Stewart had a great day with the British Army: “They were all very encouraging and I came away with great advice both for myself and my son who wants to join when he leaves school.”

Industry insight

2. Physics student Brian Rogers appreciated the preparation session beforehand and found it helpful in getting the most out of the experience: “I really enjoyed learning about Andor and speaking to the people there. It was a very useful experience as I move into my final year and begin to apply to graduate programmes.”

A warm welcome

3. Irma Umair, a Human Resource Management student, expressed her sincere gratitude for the wonderful opportunity provided by a visit to Finnebrogue Artisan: “The way we were welcomed and valued during your good company’s tour, gave me a clear indication that the foundation of the company was laid by great vision and values and it is the driving force behind the success of the organization. I appreciate all the efforts your good team made to make it happen successfully.”

An understanding of working life

4. Megan O’Hara, Law student, said: “I had the opportunity to hear from several of Baker McKenzie’s multi-disciplinary teams…I was able to gain an invaluable insight to the day-to-day workings of these professionals as well as their career pathways to these roles.”

Information on different roles available
5. Law student, Declan Gorman, said: “The day was packed with lots of information and insight into what working in a global law firm is like. I particularly enjoyed learning about the different roles outside the traditional ‘training contract’ route at Baker McKenzie.”

Networking opportunities
6. Sai Chintha, Construction and Project Management student said: “It provided an opportunity to gain first-hand exposure to the day-to-day responsibilities of different roles within the firm, which included getting to know their service lines and projects…This is a valuable networking opportunity as well as a chance to gain insight into potential career paths and the company culture at Deloitte.”

Company background
7. Finance student, Xiaofei SHEN commented: “I learnt about the firm’s welcoming corporate culture, its history of growth, the primary duties of each department, and how the company makes its signature sausage…I would like to thank Finnebrogue Artisan for its warm hospitality and patient explanation.”

What our employer partners had to say

Additionally, here are some comments from the employers who hosted students during the work shadow week:

A varied day

  1. Andor Technology: “Feedback from the students was that they enjoyed the variety of the day seeing Research & Development, Engineering and Production and in particular specialists from their degree pathways.”

We hope we inspired them

2. McAdam Design Ltd: “Hopefully this will inspire them for the remainder of their course and we can see them all in a short period of time out within the workforce helping deliver for our communities.”

A well-structured and informative experience

3. Fibrus: We hosted Queen’s University Belfast students for a work shadowing day across our Marketing, Planning, and IT/Network Engineering departments. The students provided positive feedback, highlighting the well-structured day and informative experience. We’re proud to have given them a taste of life at Fibrus.

Overall, Work Shadowing Week 2023 was fantastic, and we are thrilled that so many students had such a positive experience. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all the professionals who opened up their workplaces to our students and provided them with such valuable learning opportunities. We look forward to continuing working with such great employers who provide these kinds of opportunities to our students.

Read more on Work Shadowing Week on our website:

advice employability Employer Engagement Employer feedback Employer Insight job search

20 Ways to Develop Your Employability at Queen’s

  1. Volunteering with SU.
  2. Joining a campus club or society.
  3. Participating in an internship programme.
  4. Attending Careers fairs or employer networking event.
  5. Completing employability programmes.
  6. Seeking out mentorship or guidance from professionals in your field.
  7. Writing for a campus publication or blog.
  8. Conducting research with a professor or industry expert.
  9. Participating in study abroad programmes or exchange programs.
  10. Serving as a peer mentor or teaching assistant.
  11. Developing a personal brand and online presence through social media and blogging.
  12. Participating in business games and challenges.
  13. Attending professional development workshops and seminars.
  14. Contributing to group projects or community initiatives.
  15. Participating in design competitions or showcases.
  16. Organizing and hosting events on campus.
  17. Participating in problem-based learning projects or case studies.
  18. Joining a mentorship program or mentorship network.
  19. Attending conferences or industry events to network and learn about the latest trends in your field.
  20. Collaborating with classmates on group projects or research initiatives.
Fairs Graduate jobs Graduate recruitment Graduate Recruitment and Placement Fair Spring Careers Fair Spring Recruitment Fair work experience WORK EXPERIENCE AND PLACEMENT FAIR

Where is the Spring Careers Fair?

Location one

Venue of spring career fair
Students can attend career fair in different venues

The Mandela Hall – you’ll find it right at the back of the ground floor of One Elmwood. Tip tip, there is a side entrance opposite the Parlour that brings you straight to the Hall.

Location two

The Whitla Hall. You’ll probably know this one as it’s where graduation takes place. If you don’t, just come out of the black and white hall and turn left.

Location three

South Dining Hall exterior

The South Dining Hall – just beside the Whitla Hall, you will find the South Dining Hall. It’s right opposite Lanyon South.

Don’t forget to register for the Fair at

Fairs Graduate recruitment Graduate success Spring Careers Fair Spring Recruitment Fair Virtual recruitment work experience

3 things to do before the Virtual Careers Fair

STEP 1: REGISTER for the virtual fair in advance via MyFuture.

Registration will open for the online fair on 30 January.

Register for the fair:

STEP 2: EDIT your profile

You’ll see an option to edit your profile and upload a well-presented CV for sharing with all attending employers. To do this, simply click on “Edit” at Profile, then “Add New” and follow the instructions to upload/share CV.

STEP 3: VIEW the booths of attending employers in advance

Click on ‘Meet the Exhibitors. View information and star favourites to meet with on the day by clicking on the “favourites” star. This is just a personal reminder during the live event to keep track of who you want to talk to.

Some other points to note:

MyFuture is best accessed on the following browsers: Google Chrome, Safari, Edge or Firefox

Find out more about the Spring Careers Fair at