Graduate success placement work experience

Top 10 Tips for Making the Most out of Your Placement

Embarking on a placement at Queen’s University Belfast? Check out our top 10 tips to make the most of your experience! From setting clear objectives and understanding company culture to being proactive and leaving a lasting impression, these tips will help you thrive in the professional world. Don’t miss out!

Embarking on a placement is an exciting opportunity for students at Queen’s University Belfast to gain practical experience in their chosen field. Whether you’re about to start your placement or are already knee-deep in the experience, we’ve compiled a list of the top ten tips to help you make the most of your time and thrive in the professional environment. Let’s dive in!

  1. Set Clear Objectives

Before you begin your placement, take some time to define your goals and objectives. Identify what you hope to achieve during this experience, whether it’s acquiring new skills, specializing in a particular area, or expanding your professional network. Clear objectives will keep you focused and motivated throughout your placement.

2. Understand the Company Culture

Every workplace has its unique culture and values. Take the initiative to understand your company’s culture and align your actions accordingly. Embracing the company’s values will not only help you fit in better but also make you more productive and successful in your role.

3. Develop a Good Relationship with Your Supervisor

Your supervisor will play a crucial role in guiding and supporting you throughout your placement. Building a strong relationship with them from the start is essential. Maintain open lines of communication, seek regular feedback on your work, and proactively address any challenges or concerns.

4. Be Proactive

Don’t wait for instructions; take the initiative to go above and beyond. Volunteer for new tasks and responsibilities, demonstrate your eagerness to learn, and showcase your skills. Being proactive will not only enhance your learning experience but also leave a lasting positive impression on your colleagues and supervisors.

5. Network with Colleagues

One of the greatest benefits of a placement is the opportunity to connect with professionals in your industry. Engage with your colleagues, attend company events, and participate in networking activities. Building relationships can provide valuable insights, potential mentors, and even future job opportunities.

6. Ask Questions

Never hesitate to ask questions when you’re unsure about something. It’s better to seek clarification than to make mistakes that could have been easily avoided. Remember, everyone understands that you’re there to learn, and asking questions demonstrates your dedication and willingness to grow.

7. Be Professional

Treat your placement as a professional job. Maintain a high level of professionalism at all times, from your punctuality to your appearance and behavior. Dress appropriately, respect your colleagues’ time and opinions, and adhere to the company’s policies and guidelines.

8. Keep a Record of Your Achievements

Documenting your accomplishments during your placement is essential for future reference. Keep track of your projects, tasks, and any notable achievements. This record will serve as a valuable resource when updating your resume and preparing for future job interviews.

9. Seek Feedback

Regularly seek feedback from your supervisor and colleagues. Constructive criticism will help you identify areas for improvement and develop your skills further. Embrace feedback as an opportunity for growth and demonstrate your commitment to personal and professional development.

10. Leave a Good Impression

As your placement comes to an end, ensure you leave a positive lasting impression with your employer. Express your gratitude for the opportunity and convey your interest in potential future roles within the company. This could lead to job offers or valuable references down the line.


Your placement at Queen’s University Belfast is a significant stepping stone towards your future career. By setting clear objectives, embracing the company culture, nurturing professional relationships, and demonstrating proactive and professional behavior, you can maximize your experience and lay a solid foundation for future success. Remember, this placement is an opportunity for growth, learning, and professional development. Make the most of it, and enjoy every moment of your journey!

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