Career planning Clubs and Societies community work Confidence Networking

Networking is Not as Scary as it Sounds!

Building a strong support network at Queen’s is essential. Join clubs, attend career fairs, volunteer, form study groups, utilize social media, seek mentors, attend events, join associations, and connect with alumni. Networking isn’t as scary as it sounds – it’s an exciting opportunity to forge connections that can shape your future.

Does the idea of reaching out to strangers and making connections make you nervous? Well, fear not! Networking is not as scary as it sounds, especially when you’re a student at Queen’s University Belfast. In fact, it can be an exciting and rewarding experience that can shape your future in more ways than you can imagine. Building a strong support network during your time at university is essential, and here are ten different ways you can do it:

  1. Join clubs and societies related to your interests or academic field: Queen’s offers a wide range of clubs and societies catering to various interests and academic disciplines. By joining these groups, you’ll not only meet like-minded individuals but also have the opportunity to connect with individuals who share your passion. Whether you’re into sports, arts, or academics, there’s a club or society for you.

2. Attend networking events and career fairs on campus: Universities often host networking events and career fairs where you can interact with professionals from different industries. These events are an excellent opportunity to expand your professional circle, gain insights into potential career paths, and even secure internships or job opportunities. Don’t miss out on these valuable occasions!

3. Participate in student government or leadership positions: Getting involved in student government or taking up leadership positions within student organizations is a fantastic way to network. These roles provide you with the chance to work closely with faculty members, administrators, and other student leaders. Not only will you enhance your leadership skills, but you’ll also forge connections that can help you throughout your academic and professional journey.

4. Engage in community service or volunteer work: Volunteering is a win-win situation. By giving back to the community, you not only make a positive impact but also open doors for networking. Many organizations and charities actively seek volunteers, and through these experiences, you can meet individuals who share your commitment to making a difference. Plus, volunteering looks great on your resume!

5. Form study groups with classmates to share knowledge and support each other: Studying can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be a solitary experience. Forming study groups with your classmates not only allows you to share knowledge and resources but also fosters a support system. These study groups can turn into lifelong friendships and professional connections, as you’ll be navigating your academic journey together.

6. Utilise online platforms and social media to connect with like-minded individuals: In this digital age, networking has become more accessible than ever. Leverage online platforms and social media to connect with individuals who share your interests or career aspirations. Join relevant groups, participate in discussions, and engage with professionals in your desired field. Platforms like LinkedIn can be particularly helpful in building your professional network.

7. Seek out mentors from faculty members or professionals in your desired field: Mentors can play a crucial role in your personal and professional development. Don’t hesitate to approach faculty members or professionals in your desired field to seek guidance and mentorship. These individuals have valuable insights and experiences to share, and their support can be invaluable as you navigate your academic and career choices.

8. Attend seminars, workshops, and guest lectures to expand your knowledge and meet new people: Queen’s often host a range of seminars, workshops, and guest lectures featuring experts in various fields. These events not only provide opportunities to expand your knowledge but also allow you to meet new people who share your interests. Engaging in conversations with speakers and fellow attendees can help you build connections and gain new perspectives.

9. Join professional associations or student chapters of industry-related organisations: Professional associations and student chapters of industry-related organisations are excellent resources for networking. These groups often host events, conferences, and workshops specifically tailored to your field of interest. By becoming a member, you’ll gain access to a network of professionals and fellow students who can offer guidance, mentorship, and potential career opportunities.

10. Attend alumni events and connect with graduates who can offer advice and support: Alumni events provide a unique opportunity to connect with graduates who have already ventured into the professional world. These individuals have firsthand experience and can offer valuable advice and support. Attending alumni events and engaging with alumni networks can open doors to internships, job opportunities, and valuable connections.

Remember, networking is not about approaching people with an agenda or solely for personal gain. It’s about building genuine relationships, sharing knowledge, and supporting each other. The connections you make during your time at Queen’s can have a lasting impact on your personal and professional life. So, don’t let the word “networking” intimidate you. Embrace the opportunities available to you, step out of your comfort zone, and watch your support network flourish!

Find out more about networking here.

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