Could you join a student team and tackle a real challenge facing a client or organisation? Hear from the students that did!

Students gained a different type of work experience by providing a consultancy service to real clients and working on a real challenge that those clients face.
They worked in a project team with other students from different disciplines and were facilitated through a Design Thinking process to resolve the client’s problem.
This programme provided students with practical experience for developing these Future-Ready Skills: Interpersonal Skills, Commercial Awareness, Initiative, Innovation and Creativity.

Brian Conway – Mechanical Engineering
“My favourite part of the experience was the multidisciplinary aspect. From an engineering background, I think it was interesting to learn about Finance, Marketing, other people’s courses and how they can bring their knowledge to the course as well”
Xinxin Wang – International, Commercial and Business Law
“I learned creative thinking skills to use my imagination in consulting projects and cooperation skills to persuade people to accept my ideas and I will accept the others also”

Hannah McConville – Planning, Environment and Development
“The best part of this week has definitely been meeting new people and putting everybody’s ideas together. I’ve also found it very refreshing taking a break from revising and placement and things like that. So yeah, I’ve definitely enjoyed it
Mary McCormick – Biological Sciences
A big one has definitely been able to collaborate with new people to create new, innovative ideas.
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