QTeQ strikes Physical Review in first half of 2020
Despite the unusual circumstances, QTeQ has published several works in Physical Review in the first half of 2020, highlighting QTeQ’s top-quality research and fruitful collaborative environment: 3 Phys. Rev. Lett. (summarized below), 2 Phys. Rev. Research, 1 Phys. Rev. B and 2 Phys. Rev. E. Well done!!
In the first of the 2020’s QTeQ’s PRLs, “Machine learning-based classification of vector vortex beams” Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 160401 (2020), done in collaboration with Fabio Sciarrino’s group at Sapienza Università di Roma, QTeQ’s endeavors have focused on the machine learning side, in particular, in the use of convolutional neural networks and principal component analysis for the classification of specific and complex polarization patterns. This work demonstrates the significant advantages resulting from the use of machine learning-based protocols for the construction and characterization of high-dimensional resources for quantum protocols.
The second PRL in the list goes to “Quantum State Engineering by Shortcuts to Adiabaticity in Interacting Spin-Boson Systems” Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 180401 (2020), a QTeQ-made work where shortcuts-to-adiabaticity protocols have been demonstrated to be very well suited to generate a breadth of quantum states with very high fidelities, while allowing for a reduced evolution time for their preparation and thus naturally robust against potential decoherence processes. Thanks to the ubiquity of the considered Jaynes-Cummings interaction, such protocols can be relevant in several experimental platforms, where interesting quantum states could be realize, such as Fock states, cat-like superposition thereof, and states akin to photon-added and subtracted.
The third PRL goes to a novel phenomenon blending nonequilibrium dynamics and open quantum systems, “Universal anti-Kibble-Zurek scaling in fully-connected systems” Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 230602 (2020), done in collaboration with Andrea Smirne (Milan) and Susana F. Huelga and Martin B. Plenio (Ulm). Although a driven critical system features Kibble-Zurek scaling laws, those are typically sensitive to the unavoidable system-environment interaction leading to an anti-Kibble-Zurek effect, namely, the slower the quench, the more nonequilibrium excitations are created. In this work we have shown that, even when the standard (isolated) scaling laws break down due to the open nature of the dynamics, there is an anti-Kibble-Zurek scaling which depends solely on the equilibrium critical exponents of the phase transition.
Keep up the momentum!!