Dr. Alessandro Ferraro, currently a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow at UCL (Sougato Bose’s group) and soon a temporary Lecturer at University of Sussex, will join QTeQ and CTAMOP from July on as a new Lecturer in Quantum Information!
All the QTeQ’s members congratulates Alessandro on this success and are thrilled to have him in Belfast very soon.
This is fantastic news for QTeQ, which is quickly becoming a true hub for Quantum Information Science in the UK.
Visiting research student Giacomo Torlai wins the QQQ Poster Prize awarded by the Quantum Information, Quantum Control and Quantum Optics Subject group of the Institute of Physics. Giacomo prepared his poster entitled “Violation of Bell’s Inequalities with Amplified Entangled Coherent States” as a result of his visit to QTeQ in September-October 2012 in collaboration with Mauro and Gabriele. The poster was awarded for “clearly communicating exciting new developments in the field of Quantum Information, Quantum Control and Quantum Optics” at the Topical Research Meeting on Physics: Quantum Technologies: taking concepts through to implementations, 17-18 December 2012, Institute of Physics, London, UK. Bravo!
Great news for QTeQ! Two group members have recently published two research papers in Phys. Rev. Lett., one of the premier journals in the Quantum Information and Quantum Optics field.
Andre’, together with Claudiu Genes and Aurelien Dantan, reported on the physics of a multi-membrane system in an optical cavity, for optomechanical applications. Gabriele, in collaboration with Luca Lepori, Maciej Lewenstein, and Anna Sanpera studied the entanglement spectrum of an exotic many-body system in relation to the critical properties of the model itself.
Full details on the works can be found at
A. Xuereb, C. Genes, and A. Dantan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 223601 (2012)
G. De Chiara, L. Lepori, M. Lewenstein, and A. Sanpera, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 237208 (2012)
At QTeQ, we are all delighted of this success, which is the perfect complement to a year that saw 6 papers from QTeQ members being published in Phys. Rev. Lett. and two upcoming Nature Scientific Reports papers!
QTeQ has just been awarded £ 10k to purchase two new high-performance machines as part of an EPSRC bid submitted by Queen’s University Belfast and open to the support of EPSRC-funded early-stage researchers (Mauro as Co-I). Every little helps, needless to say…
Jie and Mauro have just published a paper in Phys Rev A resulting from the collaboration with a leading experimental team in China working on cavity-QED. The work, which explores the possibility to transfer entanglement to the steady state of flying qubits from driven cavities, is the result of the interaction between QTeQ and Jie’s former group at the State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices, Institute of Opto-Electronics (Shanxi University,) led by Prof. Tiancai Zhang. Jie and Mr. Yanqiang Guo plaid a key role in this success and the credit should all go to them. Congrats, Jie!!
Details of the work can be found in
Yanqiang Guo, Jie Li, Tiancai Zhang, and Mauro Paternostro, Transferring entanglement to the steady state of flying qubits, Phys. Rev. A 86, 052315 (2012)