At QTeQ, we are strongly interested in the features of open-system dynamics. In particular, we work on the relation between system-environment correlations and the onset of non-Markovianity. Our most recent efforts have now been published as a letter in EPL and a Rapid Communication in Phys. Rev. A. Both are the results of joint efforts with Kavan Modi and Cesar Rodriguez-Rosario, invaluable collaborators and friends of the family! Details of the works can be found in
C. A. Rodriguez-Rosario, K. Modi, L. Mazzola, and A. Aspuru-Guzik, EPL 99, 20010 (2012)
L. Mazzola, C. A. Rodriguez-Rosario, K. Modi, and M. Paternostro, Phys. Rev. A 86, 010102(R) (2012)
The paper “Driven optomechanical systems for mechanical entanglement distribution” by Mauro, Laura, and Jie
is published today in the special issue “Memory effects in quantum dynamics and quantum channels” (Fabio Benatti, Roberto Floreanini and Greg Scholes, eds.) of J. Phys. B. Check out the details in
M. Paternostro, L. Mazzola, and J. Li, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45, 154010 (2012)
Andre’ and Mauro publish their first joint paper in Phys. Rev. A. This is also the first one by Andre’ as a full-time QTeQ member! The work deals with the combination of non-linear processes responsible for second-harmonic generation and optomechanics, one of the strong research themes of the group. Last but not least, the paper is the first joint work with Marco Barbieri (University of Oxford), who is an invaluable collaborator and a friend of the family!
Details of the work can be found in
A. Xuereb, M. Barbieri, and M. Paternostro Phys. Rev. A 86, 013809 (2012)
Lectureship in Quantum Information at the Centre for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Ref. 12/102139
School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast
A Lectureship position (permanent post, equivalent to Assistant Professor) is available within the Centre for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (CTAMOP) to work in Quantum Information Processing within QTeQ
and to contribute to teaching in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. In addition, the successful candidate will be expected to undertake administrative duties as assigned.
To apply, please visit here, click on “Mathematics and Physics” on the right-hand side, and look for Lecturer in CTAMOP, Ref: 12/102139. Alternatively contact the Personnel Department, Queen's University Belfast, BT7 1NN. Telephone (028) 90973044 FAX: (028) 90971040 or e-mail on
VERY IMPORTANT: Please indicate in your application that you wish to be considered for a position in Quantum Information.
Informal enquiries may be directed to:
Dr J.F. McCann, e-mail, telephone +44 (0)28 9097 6041.
Dr G. De Chiara, e-mail, telephone +44 (0)28 9097 6053.
Salary: £32,901-£48,246 per annum (including contribution points).
Closing date: 4.00pm on Friday 31 August 2012
A generous start-up package will be available.
Anticipated interview date: week commencing 24 September 2012
Carlo comes back home and will work with us starting from July 2012 until March 2014 (or whenever he’s tired of us 😉 ). We are thrilled!
Welcome back, Carlo!!