Publications’ bonanza for QTeQ!!
QTeQ storms the APS and IoP Publishing with a bunch of newly appeared publications!
The group’s first paper on the field of large-deviation theory has just appeared in New Journal of Physics within the pages of a Special Issue on ‘Nonequilibrium fluctuation relations: from classical to quantum’. The work is a collaboration with A. Xuereb (QUB and Malta), J. P. Garrahan and I. Lesanovsky (both at Nottingham) and has been led with great success by Simon! Details are found at
S. Pigeon, et al., ‘Dynamical symmetries and crossovers in a three-spin system with collective dissipation’, New J. Phys. 17, 015010 (2015)
Simon’s paper is not the only signature of QTeQ in New J. Phys.! Indeed, an all-italian collaboration between Marco Genoni (UCL), Matteo Bina & Stefano Olivares (Milan), Gabriele and Mauro has resulted in a new open-loop feedback protocol for the squeezing of a mechanical oscillator through two-level ancilla. The work has recently appeared in New J. Phys. and details can be found at
M. G. Genoni et al., ‘Squeezing of mechanical motion via qubit-assisted control’, New J. Phys. 17, 013034 (2015)
Steve and long-term collaborator Gian Luca Giorgi (Turin) have published their work on the relation between quantum correlations and work extraction in a recent J. Phys. B paper. The guys analyze the conditions under which global transformations outperform local gates as far as maximal work extraction is considered. The paper is available at
G. L. Giorgi and S. Campbell, ‘Correlation approach to work extraction from finite quantum systems’, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48, 035501 (2015)
Finally, Mauro and Carlo Di Franco (former QTeQ member, now at Imperial College London) have published their work on localisation effects in quantum random walks on the pages of Phys. Rev. A. Details at
C. Di Franco and M. Paternostro, ‘Localization-like effect in two-dimensional alternate quantum walks with periodic coin operations’,
Phys. Rev. A 91, 012328 (2015)
Surely, 2015 started with a bang…