New PRE paper on heat transport

The collaboration between QTeQ and the Brazilian team at UFABC led by Prof. Fernando Semiao proves even more fruitful! A new research paper, co-authored by Alessandro and Mauro, has appeared in Phys. Rev. E addressing the heat transport across a non-equilibrium chain of harmonic oscillators and its links (or lack thereof!!) with Fourier law. The paper, which has benefited enormously of the expertise of Alberto Imparato (Aarhus Universtiaet), has been led by Fernando ‘Boiuna’ Nicacio and supported by TherMiQ and the CNPq funded ‘Science without Borders projects awarded to Fernando Semiao and Mauro.

Details of the manuscript can be found at

F. Nicacio, A. Ferraro, A. Imparato, M. Paternostro, and F. L. Semião, Thermal transport in out-of-equilibrium quantum harmonic chains, Phys. Rev. E 91, 042116 (2015).

New PRA paper for QTeQ

New paper in Phys. Rev. A for the QTeQ group! Gabriele and Mauro, together with collaborators from Brazil, Singapore, and Italy, addressed the problem of estimating the parameters and dynamics of an intra-cavity condensate through the tools of quantum estimation theory. The paper, which is the result of the work by QTeQ honorary members Margherita Zuppardo (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) and Jader Pereira dos Santos (Universidade Federal do ABC, Santo Andre’, Brazil), and which benefited of the contribution by Prof. G. Massimo Palma (Palermo), and Prof. Fernando L. Semiao (UFABC), has now been published in Phys Rev A

M. Zuppardo, J. P. Santos, G. De Chiara, M. Paternostro, F. L. Semião, and G. M. Palma, Cavity-aided quantum parameter estimation in a bosonic double-well Josephson junction, Phys. Rev. A 91, 033631 (2015)

Well done Margherita and Jader!