4. Potential and limitations of quantum extreme learning machines
L. Innocenti, S. Lorenzo, I. Palmisano, A. Ferraro, M. Paternostro, and G.M. Palma
Communications Physics 6, 118 (2023)
doi: 10.1038/s42005-023-01233-w
3. Quantifying protocol efficiency: A thermodynamic figure of merit for classical and quantum state-transfer protocols
Q. Wu, M.A. Ciampini, M. Paternostro, and M. Carlesso
Physical Review Research 5, 023117 (2023)
2. On the role of initial coherence in the spin phase-space entropy production rate
G. Zicari, B. Çakmak, O. E. Müstecaplıoğlu, and M. Paternostro
New Journal of Physics 25, 013030 (2023)
doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/acb45b/meta
1. Optimal quantum control via genetic algorithms for quantum state engineering in driven-resonator mediated networks
J. Brown, M. Paternostro, and A. Ferraro
Quantum Science and Technology 8, 025004 (2023)