The collaboration between QTeQ and the Brazilian team at UFABC led by Prof. Fernando Semiao proves even more fruitful! A new research paper, co-authored by Alessandro and Mauro, has appeared in Phys. Rev. E addressing the heat transport across a non-equilibrium chain of harmonic oscillators and its links (or lack thereof!!) with Fourier law. The paper, which has benefited enormously of the expertise of Alberto Imparato (Aarhus Universtiaet), has been led by Fernando ‘Boiuna’ Nicacio and supported by TherMiQ and the CNPq funded ‘Science without Borders projects awarded to Fernando Semiao and Mauro.
Details of the manuscript can be found at
F. Nicacio, A. Ferraro, A. Imparato, M. Paternostro, and F. L. Semião, Thermal transport in out-of-equilibrium quantum harmonic chains, Phys. Rev. E 91, 042116 (2015).
New paper in Phys. Rev. A for the QTeQ group! Gabriele and Mauro, together with collaborators from Brazil, Singapore, and Italy, addressed the problem of estimating the parameters and dynamics of an intra-cavity condensate through the tools of quantum estimation theory. The paper, which is the result of the work by QTeQ honorary members Margherita Zuppardo (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) and Jader Pereira dos Santos (Universidade Federal do ABC, Santo Andre’, Brazil), and which benefited of the contribution by Prof. G. Massimo Palma (Palermo), and Prof. Fernando L. Semiao (UFABC), has now been published in Phys Rev A
M. Zuppardo, J. P. Santos, G. De Chiara, M. Paternostro, F. L. Semião, and G. M. Palma, Cavity-aided quantum parameter estimation in a bosonic double-well Josephson junction, Phys. Rev. A 91, 033631 (2015)
Well done Margherita and Jader!
QTeQ keeps on having very productive collaborations with its research partners!
Gabriele has recently published a paper in Phys. Rev. B with collaborators from the group of Prof. Patrick Ohberg at Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh). The work analyses the low-energy behaviour of strongly repulsive bosons in a sawtooth lattice potential. Details can be found at
L. G. Phillips, G. De Chiara, P. Ohberg, and M. Valiente, Low-energy behavior of strongly interacting bosons on a flat-band lattice above the critical filling factor, Phys. Rev. B 91, 054103 (2015).
Mauro keeps on having fun with his Brazilian collaborators at Universidade Federal do ABC. A recent study on non-Markovianity in a ciruit-QED system has been recently reported in a Phys Rev A paper written with the group led by Prof. F. L. Semiao in Santo Andre’ (Brazil). Details available at
P. C. Cardenas, M. Paternostro, and F. L. Semiao, Non-Markovian qubit dynamics in a circuit-QED setup, Phys. Rev. A 91, 022122 (2015)
QTeQ’s work on non-equilibrium quantum thermodynamics has been featured in a recently published ‘Insight’ issue of Nature Physics! A Commentary by Chris Jarzynski, a Perspective article by P. Haenggi and P. Talkner, a Review by J. Eisert and co-workers, and a Progress article by Jukka Pekola, reported on the contribution given by QTeQ’s work to the advance of non-equilibrium quantum thermodynamics. The group’s experimental and theoretical work in this respect has been featured, thus giving a nice token of the impact that this is having on the community!
Details of the Insight issue can be found here
Way to go QTeQ!!!
QTeQ storms the APS and IoP Publishing with a bunch of newly appeared publications!
The group’s first paper on the field of large-deviation theory has just appeared in New Journal of Physics within the pages of a Special Issue on ‘Nonequilibrium fluctuation relations: from classical to quantum’. The work is a collaboration with A. Xuereb (QUB and Malta), J. P. Garrahan and I. Lesanovsky (both at Nottingham) and has been led with great success by Simon! Details are found at
S. Pigeon, et al., ‘Dynamical symmetries and crossovers in a three-spin system with collective dissipation’, New J. Phys. 17, 015010 (2015)
Simon’s paper is not the only signature of QTeQ in New J. Phys.! Indeed, an all-italian collaboration between Marco Genoni (UCL), Matteo Bina & Stefano Olivares (Milan), Gabriele and Mauro has resulted in a new open-loop feedback protocol for the squeezing of a mechanical oscillator through two-level ancilla. The work has recently appeared in New J. Phys. and details can be found at
M. G. Genoni et al., ‘Squeezing of mechanical motion via qubit-assisted control’, New J. Phys. 17, 013034 (2015)
Steve and long-term collaborator Gian Luca Giorgi (Turin) have published their work on the relation between quantum correlations and work extraction in a recent J. Phys. B paper. The guys analyze the conditions under which global transformations outperform local gates as far as maximal work extraction is considered. The paper is available at
G. L. Giorgi and S. Campbell, ‘Correlation approach to work extraction from finite quantum systems’, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48, 035501 (2015)
Finally, Mauro and Carlo Di Franco (former QTeQ member, now at Imperial College London) have published their work on localisation effects in quantum random walks on the pages of Phys. Rev. A. Details at
C. Di Franco and M. Paternostro, ‘Localization-like effect in two-dimensional alternate quantum walks with periodic coin operations’,
Phys. Rev. A 91, 012328 (2015)
Surely, 2015 started with a bang…
As the end of the year fast approaches, it’s time to review what we did in the past 12 months.
With 29 preprints (out of which 4 PRL, 1 PRX, 1 invited review article, 2 Scientific Reports, 2 recent NJP papers) QTeQ’s science is clearly out there! The group has hosted a major meeting, our members have delivered plenty of (invited) talks around the world; the group has grown in size and topics. QTeQ currently has 3 major research projects up and running and a robust research funding portfolio. Well done, everybody: 2014 was fantastic. Let’s hope 2015 will be even better.
Happy new year, QTeQ!!
New PhD projects to work at QTeQ starting in October 2015 are now available here. Applications are welcome (deadline: 13 February 2015)! For any further information, please contact Alessandro, Gabriele, Jim, or Mauro.
The second group retreat of QTeQ is taking place on 7 and 8 November 2014 at the Avoca Hotel in the nice town of Newcastle. The program puts together both science and leisure and, hopefully, this will ignite bonding, brain-storming, and creativity. The retreat is funded by an internal Research & Technology Development grant awarded to Simon, Steve, and Gabriele. Well done guys!!
Yet another “Editors’ Suggestion” for QTeQ’s research! This time is Ben’s work recently published in Phys. Rev. A to receive coverage from the APS Editorial Office: Ben’s paper on the non-destructive optical characterisation of Bose-Hubbard models, written in collaboration with Mauro and Jacob Sherson (Aarhus University) and reporting on a project driven and led by Gabriele, has just appeared in Phys. Rev. A as
B. Rogers, M. Paternostro, J. F. Sherson, and G. De Chiara, “Characterization of Bose-Hubbard models with quantum nondemolition measurements”, Phys. Rev. A 90, 043618 (2014)
and has been selected as an Editors’ Suggestion in light of his quality and relevance. This is only the latest of a series of papers from the QTeQ crew to be acknowledged by APS and covered as “Suggestions”. Well done Ben!!!
Four new PhD students have recently joined QTeQ: Conor Gallagher, Kenneth McAlpine, Sam McMillen, and Brendan Reid are the newest members of the group.
Conor will work with Alessandro on quantum computing on continuous-variable systems. Kenneth will work on correlations in quantum gases under the joint supervision of Jim and Gabriele. Sam will investigate (with Mauro) potential corrections to Schroedinger equation, keeping an eye open on possible physical tests. Finally, Brendan will study the diagnostic power of light-based probes for cold-atom quantum simulators, working under the supervision of Gabriele and with the support of Mariona.
QTeQ’s new students are sponsored by the Northern Ireland Department for Employment and Learning (Kenneth) and the EPSRC DTA (Conor, Sam, and Brendan).