QTeQ storms New Journal of Physics!!
Three research papers authored by QTeQ’s members have been recently published in New Journal of Physics! Two of them are the results of our collaborations with premier experimental teams.
Working on optomechanics, Andre’ has first-authored two paper (one in collaboration with researchers at the University of Copenhagen and Hannover, the other one with Peter Domokos, in Hungary) in the NJP’s Focus issue on Optomechanics. Details of such works can be found reading
Dynamical scattering models in optomechanics: going beyond the ‘coupled cavities’ mode
Exciton-mediated photothermal cooling in GaAs membranes
The third success of the series results for the collaboration between Laura, Mauro and the Rome’s group led by Paolo Mataloni. The guys have taken an experimental approach to the celebrated Koashi-Winter relations. Results are found in
Tomographic characterization of correlations in a photonic tripartite state
Congratulations on these successes and keep up with the good job!