QTeQ’s research work chosen as Editor’s Suggestion in PRL!
QTeQ’s recent research work has been selected as Editor’s Suggestion in the prestigious Phys. Rev. Lett (https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.080601). In this recent work, with leading author Dr Massimiliano Rossi, from the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenaghen, a team of physicists led by our Dr Alessio Belenchia explored the thermodynamics of a mesoscopic quantum system under continuous monitoring.
The experimental component of the work, carried out by the group of Prof Schliesser in Copenhagen, in combination with the theoretical developments achieved by the QTeQ in collaboration with Prof Landi from São Paolo, was able to directly observe for the first time the stochastic entropy production and the effect of continuous measurement on a mesoscopic quantum mechanical oscillator. These results, while important from the conceptual point of view, open also the way to thermodynamically optimal protocols with mesoscopic quantum systems.
Very well done and congratulations on the great article!!