One more year has passed, and it’s time for QTeQ to wrap up the work its members have done in the past 12 months and introduce ‘formally’ the new members to the group.
We are holding a short 2-day workshop [27–28 November 2015] full of talks, questions, comments, and fun. Photos will come soon!!!
A key result on the emergence of thermodynamic irreversibility from the rules of quantum mechanics has been published by one of QTeQ’s members within the framework provided by the TherMiQ project.
A collaboration involving CBPF (Rio de Janeiro), UFABC (Santo Andre’), Universtaet Erlangen, and QTeQ’s member Mauro has addressed the break-down of time reversibility emerging from the quenched dynamics of a liquid-state NMR sample subjected to an external driving. The work has been published in PRL as
T. B. Batalhao, et al, Irreversibility and the arrow of time in a quenched quantum system, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 190601 (2015)
and chosen as an ‘Editors’ Suggestion’ in PRL, featured in afantastic Physics Viewpoint by Alexia Auffeves, and picked up by a set of news outlet (PhysicsWorld, Phys.Org, CNPq’s portal among others)
this is only one of the latest results of project TherMiQ, whih QteQ coordinates as part of a pan-European consortium funded by the EU FP7
Our Ruari has recently published his first paper in the highly prestigious pages of Phys. Rev. Lett.!
Together with Salvatore Lorenzo, Francesco Ciccarello, and Massimo Palma from University of Palermo, Ruari has worked with Mauro on the link between information and thermodynamics as implied by the Landauer principle. By constructing a collision-based model for the description of an open quantum dynamics, the team has demonstrated the implications of non-Markovianity for general processes of logical irreversibility.
Details on the work can be found at
S. Lorenzo, R. McCloskey, F. Ciccarello, M. Paternostro, and G. M. Palma, Landauer’s Principle in Multipartite Open Quantum System, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 120403 (2015)
Well done to Ruari!!