QTeQ’s works on open-system dynamics lead the way!
At QTeQ, we are strongly interested in the features of open-system dynamics. In particular, we work on the relation between system-environment correlations and the onset of non-Markovianity. Our most recent efforts have now been published as a letter in EPL and a Rapid Communication in Phys. Rev. A. Both are the results of joint efforts with Kavan Modi and Cesar Rodriguez-Rosario, invaluable collaborators and friends of the family! Details of the works can be found in
C. A. Rodriguez-Rosario, K. Modi, L. Mazzola, and A. Aspuru-Guzik, EPL 99, 20010 (2012)
L. Mazzola, C. A. Rodriguez-Rosario, K. Modi, and M. Paternostro, Phys. Rev. A 86, 010102(R) (2012)