CCF5 – Confucius, Education, Myopia and China: How can Vision Drive Development? | 孔子、教育、近视与中国——视力如何驱动发展?
Date: Wed 16/03/2022
Time: 12-1 pm

Professor Nathan Congdon 康南教授
Orbis International, NY, USA
Zhongshan Ophthalmic Centre, Guangzhou, China
Centre for Public Health, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Traditional Confucian culture emphasises the value of education and hard work, and countries such as China, Vietnam and Korea who share this tradition have demonstrated some of the most rapid economic growth in the world over the last 6 decades.
These countries are also realising that resulting academic pressure and homework loads can lead to some of the world’s highest rates of myopia or nearsightedness. Though myopia is easy to correct with glasses, when these glasses are either unavailable or not worn, as is the case for some 80% of children in China’s rural west, educational outcomes can ironically suffer. Striving too hard to learn can damage vision.
This talk will describe the author’s 45 year journey with the Chinese language and culture, and also his efforts over the last 20 years to work with Chinese colleagues to help Chinese children “See Well to Learn Well.”
give the childen well sight