CCF4 – Teaching and learning in a private university in China – the case of Shanghai Sanda University | 中国民办高校的教学 —— 以上海杉达学院为例
Date: Wed 23/02/2022
Time: 1-2 pm
Yanqi LU, visiting academic, Shanghai Sanda University
Zishun YUAN, MSc candidate in Marketing, Queen’s Management School

With more than 15 years’ experience of teaching in Shanghai Sanda University, the first of its kind in private higher education in Shanghai since the late 1970s, I am keen to talk, together with one of my former undergraduates, about our experience of education in private universities in China.
Since I am a visiting academic to Queen’s and my former student Zishun is currently studying for his master’s degree, in this talk we will offer a comparative perspective from both teachers and students regarding the teaching and learning in Shanghai Sanda University and Queen’s University respectively, so that the audience will get an understanding of the similarities and differences between private and public universities in China as well as relating to the differences of education system in private universities between China and the UK.