On Optimizing Locality of Graph Transposition on Modern Architectures

DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2501.06872

This paper investigates the shared-memory Graph Transposition (GT) problem, a fundamental graph algorithm that is widely used in graph analytics and scientific computing.

Previous GT algorithms have significant memory requirements that are proportional to the number of vertices and threads which obstructs their use on large graphs. Moreover, atomic memory operations have become comparably fast on recent CPU architectures, which creates new opportunities for improving the performance of concurrent atomic accesses in GT.

We design PoTra, a GT algorithm which leverages graph structure and processor and memory architecture to optimize locality and performance. PoTra limits the size of additional data structures close to CPU cache sizes and utilizes the skewed degree distribution of graph datasets to optimize locality and performance. We present the performance model of PoTra to explain the connection between cache and memory response times and graph locality.

Our evaluation of PoTra on three CPU architectures and 20 real-world and synthetic graph datasets with up to 128 billion edges demonstrates that PoTra achieves up to 8.7 times speedup compared to previous works and if there is a performance loss it remains limited to 15.7%, on average.

The source code of PoTra is available on LaganLighter repository.

     title={On Optimizing Locality of Graph Transposition on Modern Architectures}, 
     author={Mohsen {Koohi Esfahani} and Hans Vandierendonck},


Random Vertex Relabelling in LaganLighter

To evaluate the impacts of locality-optimizing reordering algorithms, a baseline is required. To create the baseline a random assignment of IDs to vertices may be used to produce a representation of the graph with reduced locality [ DOI:10.1109/ISPASS57527.2023.00029, DOI:10.1109/IISWC53511.2021.00020 ].

To that end, we create the random_ordering() function in relabel.c file. It consists a number of iterations. In each iteration, concurrent threads traverse the list of vertices and assign them new IDs. The function uses xoshiro to produce random numbers.

The alg4_randomize tests this function for a number of graphs. For each dataset, an initial plot of degree distribution of Neighbor to Neighbor Average ID Distance (N2N AID) [DOI:10.1109/IISWC53511.2021.00020] is created. Also, after each iteration of random_ordering() the N2N AID distribution is plotted. This shows the impacts of randomization.

The complete results for all graphs can be seen in this PDF file. The results for some graphs are in the following.

The algorithm has been executed on a machine with two AMD 7401 CPUs, 128 cores, 128 threads. The report created by the launcher is in the following.

Technical Posts


Minimum Spanning Forest of MS-BioGraphs

We use MASTIFF to compute the weight of Minimum Spanning Forest (MST) of MS-BioGraphs while ignoring self-edges of the graphs.

– MS1

Using machine with 24 cores.

MSF weight: 109,915,787,546

– MS50

Using machine with 128 cores.

MSF weight: 416,318,200,808

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Technical Posts


Topology-Based Thread Affinity Setting (Thread Pinning) in OpenMP

In applications such as graph processing, it is important how threads are pinned on CPU cores as the threads that share resources (such as memory and cache) can accelerate the performance by processing consecutive blocks of input dataset, especially, when the dataset has a high-level of locality.

In LaganLighter, we read the CPU topology to specify how OpenMP threads are pinned. In omp.c file, the block starting with comment “Reading sibling groups of each node“, reads the “/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/topology/thread_siblings” files to identify the sibling threads and three arrays ("node_sibling_groups_start_ID“, “sibling_group_cpus_start_offsets“, and “sibling_groups_cpus“) are used to store the sibling CPUs.

Then, in block starting with comment “Setting affinity of threads“, the sibling groups are read and based on the total number of threads requested by user, a number of threads with consecutive IDs are pinned to sibling CPUs.

For a machine with 24 cores, 48 hyperthreads, when 48 threads are requested, we have:

If 96 threads are created, we have:

Technical Posts


QClique: Optimizing Performance and Accuracy in Maximum Weighted Clique – Euro-Par 2024

30th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2024)

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-69583-4_7
PDF Version


The Maximum Weighted Clique(MWC) problem remains challenging due to its unfavourable time complexity.In this paper, we analyze the execution of exact search-based MWC algorithms and show that high-accuracy weighted cliques can be discovered in the early stages of the execution if searching the combinatorial space is performed systematically.

Based on this observation, we introduce QClique as an approximate MWC algorithm that processes the search space as long as better cliques are expected. QClique uses a tunable parameter to trade-off between accuracy vs. execution time and delivers 4.7-$82.3 time speedup in comparison to previous state-of-the-art MWC algorithms while providing 91.4% accuracy and achieves a parallel speedup of up to 56x on 128 threads.

Additionally, QClique accelerates the exact MWC computation by replacing the initial clique of the exact algorithm. For WLMC, an exact state-of-the-art MWC algorithm, this results in 3.3x on average.



Selective Parallel Loading of Large-Scale Compressed Graphs with ParaGrapher – arXiv Version

PDF version
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2404.19735

Comprehensive evaluation is one of the basis of experimental science. In High-Performance Graph Processing, a thorough evaluation of contributions becomes more achievable by supporting common input formats over different frameworks. However, each framework creates its specific format, which may not support reading large-scale real-world graph datasets. This shows a demand for high-performance libraries capable of loading graphs to (i) accelerate designing new graph algorithms, (ii) to evaluate the contributions on a wide range of graph algorithms, and (iii) to facilitate easy and fast comparison over different graph frameworks.

To that end, we present ParaGrapher, a high-performance API and library for loading large-scale and compressed graphs. ParaGrapher supports different types of requests for accessing graphs in shared- and distributed-memory and out-of-core graph processing. We explain the design of ParaGrapher and present a performance model of graph decompression, which is used for evaluation of ParaGrapher over three storage types.

Our evaluation shows that by decompressing compressed graphs in WebGraph format, ParaGrapher delivers up to 3.2 times speedup in loading and up to 5.2 times speedup in end-to-end execution in comparison to the binary and textual formats.

ParaGrapher is available online on https://blogs.qub.ac.uk/DIPSA/ParaGrapher/.


  title = { Selective Parallel Loading of Large-Scale 
            Compressed Graphs with ParaGrapher}, 
  author = { {Mohsen} {Koohi Esfahani} and Marco D'Antonio and 
             Syed Ibtisam Tauhidi and Thai Son Mai and 
             Hans Vandierendonck},
  year = {2024},
  eprint = {2404.19735},
  archivePrefix = {arXiv},
  primaryClass = {cs.AR},
  doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2404.19735}

Related Posts & Source Code

ParaGrapher Web Page

MS-BioGraphs on IEEE DataPort

MS-BioGraph sequence similarity graph datasets are now publicly available on IEEE DataPort: https://doi.org/10.21227/gmd9-1534.

To access the files, you need to register/login to IEEE DataPort and then visit the MS-BioGraphs page. By saving the page as an HTML file such as dp.html, you may download the datasets (as an example MS1) using the following script:


urls=`cat $html_file  | sed  -e 's/\&/\&/g'  | grep -Eo "(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9./?&=_%:-]*" | grep amazonaws  | sort | uniq | grep -E "$dsname[-_\.]"`

for u in $urls; do
    wget $u
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then break; fi

# removing query strings
for f in $(find $1 -type f); do
    if [ $f = ${f%%\?*} ]; then continue; fi
    mv "${f}" "${f%%\?*}"

# liking offsets.bin to be found by ParaGrapher
ln -s ${dsname}_offsets.bin ${dsname}-underlying_offsets.bin

Instead of wget you may use axel -n 10 to use multiple connections (here, 10) for downloading each file (https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/noble/en/man1/axel.1.html).


Related Posts

ParaGrapher Integrated to LaganLighter

Poplar source code has been integrated to LaganLighter and access to different WebGraph formats are available in LaganLighter:


For further details, please refer to
– LaganLighter source coder Repository: https://github.com/DIPSA-QUB/LaganLighter, particularly, the graph.c file.
– ParaGrapher source code repository: https://github.com/DIPSA-QUB/ParaGrapher particularly, the src/webgraph.c and src/WG*.java files.

Read more about ParaGrapher and LaganLighter.

Related Posts

ParaGrapher Source Code For WebGraph Types

ParaGrapher source code for accessing WebGraphs have been published. The supported graph types are:

ParaGrapher uses its asynchronous and parallel API to implement these graph types. The user needs to implement a callback function that is called by the API upon completion of reading a block of edges. Poplar uses a shared memory for interaction between its C library and the Java library that deploys the WebGraph framework.

For further details, please refer to Poplar source code repository: https://github.com/DIPSA-QUB/ParaGrapher, particularly, src/webgraph.c and src/WG*.java files.


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On Overcoming HPC Challenges of Trillion-Scale Real-World Graph Datasets – BigData’23 (Short Paper)

2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData’23)
December 15-18, 2023, Sorrento, Italia

DOI: 10.1109/BigData59044.2023.10386309
PDF (Authors Copy)

Progress in High-Performance Computing in general, and High-Performance Graph Processing in particular, is highly dependent on the availability of publicly-accessible, relevant, and realistic data sets.

To ensure continuation of this progress, we (i) investigate and optimize the process of generating large sequence similarity graphs as an HPC challenge and (ii) demonstrate this process in creating MS-BioGraphs, a new family of publicly available real-world edge-weighted graph datasets with up to 2.5 trillion edges, that is, 6.6 times greater than the largest graph published recently. The largest graph is created by matching (i.e., all-to-all similarity aligning) 1.7 billion protein sequences. The MS-BioGraphs family includes also seven subgraphs with different sizes and direction types.

We describe two main challenges we faced in generating large graph datasets and our solutions, that are, (i) optimizing data structures and algorithms for this multi-step process and (ii) WebGraph parallel compression technique.

The datasets are available online on https://blogs.qub.ac.uk/DIPSA/MS-BioGraphs.


   author = {Koohi Esfahani, Mohsen and Boldi, Paolo and Vandierendonck, Hans and Kilpatrick,  Peter and  Vigna, Sebastiano},  
  booktitle={2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData'23)},  
  title={On Overcoming {HPC} Challenges of  Trillion-Scale Real-World Graph Datasets}, 
  location={Italia, Sorrento},
  publisher={IEEE Computer Society},


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