Celebrating Cultural Diversity at Queen’s Survey

Calling all staff and students at Queen’s –

At Queen’s we are committed to promoting cultural diversity, equality and inclusion among our communities. The BAME&I Network and The Language Centre invite you to join us to set up a planner of events, including invited talks and culture/language-associated festivals and days that we can celebrate in a range of ways (e.g. culture talks, posters, taster sessions/workshops, performances) at Queen’s and elsewhere.

We value the richness of languages and cultures brought in by staff and students to Queen’s and would welcome BAME&I members, in particular, to share your knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm of your linguistic and cultural events so that we can build up a repertoire and make plans for joint celebrations in the future. 

To take part in the survey, just scan the QR code above or click the Survey button below.

Free Language Courses

Calling QUB students’ attention —

Free Language Courses

The Global Opportunities Team at Queen’s are supporting 50 students to take a Language Centre course for free in semester 2! Successful applicants for this initiative will also be invited to attend supplementary Cultural Awareness training and a Global Opportunities Information session.

Click below for information on how to apply. Applications should be submitted before 12 noon on Friday 15 January 2021.