TLE kicking a start

The first TLE session has kicked a start on Wed 19/10 at the Training Room 2 (TR2), McClay Library, despite the bad weather. From a diverse background of both language and disciplines, a dozen of enthusiastic language learners gathered to exchange their linguistic experiences and language demands and supplies. Some were even successfully paired up on site.

To support more participants to get started as soon as possible, we have decided to add two more sessions:

  • Friday 21/10, 11:00-12:30, online (Teams > Tandem Language Exchange at Queen’s)
  • Monday 24/10, 10:30-12:00, in person (Language Teaching Lab, McClay)

More sessions will be added to the TLE page and slots will be made visible on the TLE Canvas (free for teacher) calendar. Please save the dates to your calendar. The TLE platform is an ongoing support that you may join at any time you like.