At this stage in 2020, it can take a long time to find something new or fresh to watch, even with seemingly endless options on TV and streaming platforms. For those of you keen to develop your Spanish language skills, watching Spanish films and TV series, even with subtitles, can be an effective and entertaining way of familiarising your ears with spoken Spanish, as well as providing insights into Spanish culture.
Below you can see a list of popular Spanish films and series that you can use for inspiration. You may be familiar with some of the more popular titles already. We encourage all of you to consider your own preferences in the hope of finding viewing options that best suit your own personal tastes, but this list should help you to get started.
Please note that some of these films and series may not be suitable for family viewing.
La Lengua de las Mariposas (The Butterfly’s Tongue)
This touching film tells the story of an inspirational teacher in a small Spanish town at a time of change and conflict. A powerful telling of how perspectives and values can be both encouraged and governed. With a remarkable performance from Fernando Fernan Gomez.
El Laberinto del Fauno (Pan’s Labrynth)
Guillermo Del Toro’s globally acclaimed tale of fantasy and civil war is beautifully directed and, through the eyes of a child takes us through the magical and dangerous world that she finds herself in. Think ‘dark fairy tale for grown-ups.’ If you enjoy Pans Labyrinth, you should also watch ‘Cronos’ and ‘The Devil’s Backbone,’ from Del Toro’s previous work.