The McClay Library Expansion Project – April 2019 Update

This is the latest in a series of regular updates planned for the 2018-19 academic year which will keep you informed on progress of the McClay Library Phase 3 expansion project.

The project is progressing well with significant work now concentrated in the area adjacent to the atrium on the ground floor. To isolate students from the noise, an acoustic hoarding now stretches from just below the IT Service Desk to near the entrance to Staircase 3. This will remain in place until mid-summer.     

While we will do our utmost to minimise any disruption during the pre-examination and examination periods (any particularly disruptive work will be completed out of hours or carried out as early in the morning as possible), please note that this is a major building project so there may be some background noise. 

If you have any particular feedback or questions, please contact:

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