DUP Assembly Member for Strangford Simon Hamilton has questioned why Jim Allister appears so reluctant to answer simple questions concerning his office expenses and allowances. The Strangford MLA compared Mr. Allister’s demands for openness and transparency with his refusal to answer the question put to him by Mr. Hamilton over a week ago. Commenting, Simon Hamilton said,
“It seems truly strange that Mr. Allister is so unwilling to answer the list of questions that I have posed to him. They are perfectly legitimate questions and they will not go away. Mr. Allister of course has crafted for himself a public image as the guardian of transparency and openness in government. Indeed when Mr. Allister was firing Freedom of Information requests and questions at other people he boldly declared:
“It will be no answer to try and divert attention by attacking me the messenger, let’s have utter transparency, honesty and candour.” (Source: Jim Allister’s Website. 15 January 2008)
With such a strong track-record in the pursuit of transparency, honesty and candour it seems strange that my posing of simple questions to Mr. Allister should have been described as mud-slinging. It is no answer for Mr. Allister to attack the messenger, let’s have utter transparency, honesty and candour from him. Only just over a fortnight ago did Mr. Allister admit that his family owns his constituency office, now he must answer some further questions about where his expenses are being allocated. I will continue posing these questions to him until they are answered in a full, open and transparent way.
1. How much did Mr. Allister claim for travel expenses from the European Parliament since his election?
2. How much is each individual employee/service provider in his office paid from European funds?
3. Does Mr. Allister pay European funds to any family members? If so, what for?
4. Who administers his website? How much are they being paid for that?
5. How many trips has Mr. Allister taken since election to the European Parliament?
6. What was the total cost Mr. Allister claimed back from the European Parliament for travel expenses?
7. Have European Funds ever been used to pay office rent to the owner/owners of his office at any time?
These are questions that every Assembly Member, Member of Parliament and Councillor in Northern Ireland has to answer. Let’s see if Mr. Allister applies the same standards of openness and transparency to himself as he does to others.
His spurious defence that he has answered questions from legitimate watch-dogs seems strange coming from a man who has repeatedly used the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act to ask questions of others. Full answers to the above list of questions are not provided on Jim Allister’s website. The public have a right to know what Mr. Allister is doing with public funds. Let’s see a full disclosure in answer to all of these questions in the interests of fairness and transparency, which of course Mr. Allister believes in strongly. Only transparency, honesty and candour will suffice.”


The DUP’s Lagan Valley MP Jeffrey Donaldson has responded to comments made by Sinn Fein Dail Leader Caoimhghin O’Caolain where he threatens that Sinn Fein will pull its Ministers out the Executive. Responding to the Sinn Fein comments Mr. Donaldson said,
“This outburst from Sinn Fein’s Southern leader, overflowing with threatening language, is not in anyway constructive or helpful. Indeed, I would suggest that it would be more befitting for O’Caolain to keep his focus on Sinn Fein’s affairs in the South and leave issues pertaining to Northern Ireland to those who are elected here to deal with them.
Whilst the DUP has made it clear to the Sinn Fein leadership that we are committed to working through outstanding issues and bringing them to a resolution, such language, as has been used by this Sinn Fein representative, begins to cast significant doubt on Sinn Fein’s commitment to making progress in Stormont.
The DUP’s position on the devolution of Policing and Justice has always been crystal clear. O’Caolain well knows, as it was made very clear on the last day at St Andrews, that the May date, for the transfer of Policing powers, was a target date put forward by the Government and the Irish. Indeed, the DUP made it very clear on that occasion that we had not agreed to any date for the transfer of these sensitive powers.
Progress on outstanding issues is based on there being sufficient community confidence to support any advancement. Sinn Fein can assist in the building of this confidence by their public display of commitment to Policing and the rule of law and their cooperation with the Police in apprehending those who continue to engage in acts of terrorism. However, the issuing of threatening statements suggesting that Sinn Fein Ministers will walk away unless their demands are met is not the way to make progress.
The DUP has said repeatedly that it is a unionist ideal to have the policing powers back in Stormont as it was our unionist forbearers who first exercised the powers in the building. Therefore our commitment to making progress, in keeping with our electoral pledges, cannot be questioned.”


DUP MLA Arlene Foster has launched her unity campaign to keep the Enniskillen council seat in Unionist hands. Below is an extract of her address delivered to supporters and well-wishers in Enniskillen District Hall on Thursday evening. Mrs. Foster said:

“We were all deeply saddened by the passing of Joe Dodds. Joe was a dedicated public servant held in high regard by people across the political spectrum and his death has caused a great deal of sadness throughout our community. What has compounded that sense of hurt in the Unionist community is the behaviour of Bertie Kerr who objected to a co-option to fill Joe’s seat and has forced us into the position where Sinn Fein could steal a seat they otherwise wouldn’t win in a full election. I am contesting this poll to keep the seat held by Joe Dodds for many years in Unionist hands.

Many Ulster Unionist voters who I have been speaking to have told me that they are deeply offended by what Mr. Kerr has done. In this election people will be suspending their traditional party allegiances. Enniskillen people know that we all need to pull together in order to retain Joe’s seat and stop it from falling to a Republican.
In the last election I polled more than 2,000 votes: the Ulster Unionist candidate came in with roughly 500 and failed to be elected. Only 49% of the votes cast in the last election were for Unionist candidates and it will take close co-operation to win. The figures show that it is only the DUP that can keep this seat in Unionist hands.

Our forebears had a famous motto – United We Stand – I know that the Unionist community in Enniskillen want unity in the face of our Republican opponents. My campaign is designed to bring people together in order to stop Republicanism from capitalising on Bertie Kerr’s divisive actions.

I have been pleased that people are rallying to the theme of our unity campaign and I hope that we will be able to retain Joe Dodds seat in Unionist hands. That would be a fitting tribute to our dear friend.”


North Antrim DUP Assembly Member Mervyn Storey has praised Northern Ireland’s GSCE students as they once again outperformed the rest of the United Kingdom. Statistics published today by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) show that 74.5% of Northern Ireland pupils gained A* – C grades compared to a figure of 65.7% for the mainland. Mr Storey said:
“Firstly, I wish to place on record my congratulations to our Northern Ireland GCSE students who have once again turned in the best results in the United Kingdom. To those pupils who achieved the results they were hoping for I offer my heartiest congratulations and to those who were disappointed with the outcome of their exams I would urge them not to panic there are lots of options available.
These results are a vindication of the hard work and dedication of our secondary and grammar schools. They demonstrate the importance of protecting those parts of the education sector which are delivering top results whilst at the same time focusing our attention on those parts which are not doing so well. The DUP is committed to the delivery of a truly holistic educational sector which delivers the best for all of our children. A blanket ban upon academic selection as proposed by the Education Minister will not help to achieve that.
I also welcome the fact that we have seen an increase in the number of pupils undertaking Biology and Chemistry at GCSE level. Increasing the number of pupils taking so-called STEM subjects – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics has been identified as a priority in the Programme for Government and it is good to see we are making progress in this field.”


The DUP’s East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell has responded to the latest attempt by some Parties to raise the issue of multiple mandates.Mr. Campbell said,
“Those who are struggling to create a market for themselves in the Northern Ireland political landscape are bereft of ideas if they believe that the issue of multiple mandates is a burning one in the minds of voters. People are concerned that their politicians help to sort out issues such as the credit crunch, affordable housing, economic matters and educational, health and sporting matters. The irony of any political party reading lessons on multiple mandates will not be lost on the wider community particularly when their own performance is now brought under scrutiny. This does however allow everyone to examine the track record of ‘single mandate’ members particularly in the light of some UUP elements trying to raise this in the context of Arlene Foster’s decision to run in the Fermanagh Council by-election caused by the unfortunate death of Joe Dodds.
The facts are beyond dispute and are freely available on independent websites which monitor the performances of all MP’s at Westminster. The members who have spoken most often at Westminster are ‘multi mandate’ MP’s. Compared to single mandate MP’s they are a considerable distance ahead. On voting at Westminster, those of us who have more than one mandate are again ahead of single mandate MP’s.
The tabling of Motions and obtaining of both adjournment and opposition day debates on the matters that the general public are concerned about show that those of us who have more than one mandate are very active, the same cannot be said of ‘single mandate MP’s’. Comparing the pre 2001 situation when the UUP single mandate MP’s were more numerous to the situation since shows the same trend.
It is also possible to ascertain the expenses of each MP. Again because of the economies of scale multi mandate MP’s on average spend less on staff than single mandate MP’s. The salary of an MLA who isn’t an MP is also three times greater than a ‘multi member’.
It is difficult to see what merit there is in advocating a system in the current economic plight that, if successful, would mean less effective MP’s costing more in salaries and expenses at a time when the general public are expected to suffer a more difficult financial climate.”


DUP Assembly Member for Strangford Simon Hamilton has said that Jim Allister has serious questions to answer concerning his expenses claimed as a Member of the European Parliament. Mr. Hamilton has called for a full disclosure from the maverick MEP as to the level of expenses claimed from the European Parliament. Commenting, Simon Hamilton said,
“Mr. Allister has chosen over the course of the last fourteen months or so to set himself up as the guardian of transparency in government and the champion of openness. His frequent recourse to Freedom of Information requests is well-documented. Yet strangely, Mr. Allister enjoys a privileged position. As an MEP he is not subjected to the same Freedom of Information legislation that he has deployed against others. He does not have to provide the same details as every other holder of public office in Northern Ireland.

I am sure as such a champion of openness and transparency Mr. Allister would be keen to offer a full disclosure of his expenses. Only on Saturday did Mr. Allister admit that his family owns his constituency office, now lets see if he will answer some further questions about where his expenses are going.

1. How much did Mr. Allister claim for travel expenses from the European Parliament since his election?

2. How much is each individual employee/service provider in his office paid from European funds?
3. Does Mr. Allister pay European funds to any family members? If so, what for?
4. Who administers his website? How much are they being paid for that?
5. How many trips has Mr. Allister taken since election to the European Parliament?
6. What was the total cost Mr. Allister claimed back from the European Parliament for travel expenses?
7. Have European Funds ever been used to pay office rent to the owner/owners of his office at any time?

These are questions that every Assembly Member, Member of Parliament and Councillor in Northern Ireland has to answer. Let’s see if Mr. Allister applies the same standards of openness and transparency to himself as he does to others. Recently he tried to palm off questions regarding these issues by claiming he provides answers on his website. Full answers to the above list of questions are not provided on Jim Allister’s website. The public have a right to know what Mr. Allister is doing with public funds. Let’s see a full disclosure in answer to all of these questions in the interests of fairness and transparency, which of course Mr. Allister believes in strongly.”


South Belfast DUP MLA Jimmy Spratt has condemned the comments made by Dame Nuala O’Loan in which she claimed Protestants had been “taught as children that they could not trust Catholics”. Commenting after receiving calls from outraged constituents, Jimmy Spratt said:
“Nuala O’Loan’s comments have caused great offence within the Protestant community. To slur the entire Protestant population in the way she has is entirely unacceptable. As someone who previously held a very sensitive public post one would expect better behaviour from a past Police Ombudsman. It is entirely untrue for Mrs. O’Loan to claim she was untrusted because of her religion. She was not trusted because of her bias.
For many this latest outburst will come as no surprise considering Mrs. O’Loan’s track record. Her bigoted comment highlights why for many within the Protestant and Unionist family, she was an inappropriate appointment as Police Ombudsman. Thankfully now that era is over, and such sectarian baggage is no longer a factor in the Ombudsman’s office.
It seems that generalisations of sectarianism against the Protestant community are becoming common. We all remember the disgraceful sectarianism Mary McAleese indulged in when comparing Protestants to Nazi’s. Such comments are false and must cease immediately.
Sectarianism is a major problem in our society. Self-indulgent nonsense such as this from nationalists does nothing to help create a shared future. Nuala O’Loan should apologise immediately and without any caveats for her disgusting outburst.”


North Antrim DUP Assembly Member Mervyn Storey has congratulated Northern Ireland’s A-level students on outperforming their counterparts on the mainland yet again. Figures released by the CCEA showed that 35.4% of Northern Ireland pupils gained an A grade compared to the 25.9% overall figure for the mainland. Mervyn Storey said:
“To those pupils who achieved the grades they wanted I wish to offer my hearty congratulations and to those who didn’t get the results they expected I would urge them not to panic. School careers advisors and further education institutions are well-equipped to help at this time.
Once again we see that Northern Ireland is leading the way when it comes to educational attainment. The Province has many fine secondary and grammar schools and this is reflected in this years excellent A-level results. What these results also show is the importance of protecting those parts of the education sector which are delivering top results whilst at the same time focusing our attention to those parts which are not doing so well. Northern Ireland needs a truly holistic education system which caters for all of our children and ensures they get the best possible education.
Blanket solutions such as banning academic selection will not work. The DUP is working to achieve an education system which is tailored to suit the needs of every child and which will continue to deliver first-class results such as these well into the future.”

Mervyn Storey is the Chairman of the Assembly Education Committee


DUP Member of Parliament for Lagan Valley, Jeffrey Donaldson has said that Arlene Foster is doing an excellent job in bringing the Unionist community in Enniskillen together to defend the council seat held by the late Joe Dodds from falling to a Republican. The senior DUP MP was speaking after a days canvass in the area. Speaking today Jeffrey Donaldson said:

“People in Enniskillen, regardless of their party-political affiliation in the past, are rallying to Arlene, because they know and understand that only she can stop Sinn Fein from capturing the seat that was held by Joe Dodds. Many people who voted for the Ulster Unionists and other parties in the last election have told me that they will be supporting Arlene in this crucial election campaign because they do not want to see a Unionist seat falling to Sinn Fein and because she is the best-placed person to stop that from happening.

I believe Arlene Foster has struck exactly the right note in the Enniskillen by-election campaign. Her theme of bringing all of the Unionist community in Enniskillen together to prevent a Republican from stealing a Unionist seat is chiming with the voters in the area. People understand that Arlene Foster is best placed to prevent Sinn Fein from capturing the seat held for many years by our friend Joe Dodds, whose passing caused so much sorrow in the local community. Many people are suspending their traditional party allegiances in order to rally to the Unionist best placed to win.

Joe Dodds was a highly respected local figure who worked hard for the community. It would be a tragedy if his seat was allowed to fall to a Republican candidate. People of course are deeply angry that Bertie Kerr should have forced this by-election when there is a very real risk of a Republican winning a seat that they otherwise wouldn’t hold in a full council election. Mr. Kerr of course had no problem agreeing to the co-option of a Sinn Fein member in the past – it seems he only objects when it is a Unionist seat that is being filled. The feedback I am getting indicates that the wider Unionist community in Enniskillen are going to reject his careless wrecking tactics by rallying to Arlene Foster.”


Nelson McCausland has responded to the comments of Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams who said that the government, in co-operation with the Irish administration should intervene in the political process concerning issues around the devolution of policing and justice powers and an Irish Language Act. Mr. McCausland said the comments called into question Gerry Adams commitment to resolving outstanding issues. Nelson McCausland said:
“This latest outburst from the Sinn Fein President calls into question his commitment to resolving outstanding issues. It is pathetic that Gerry Adams continues to repeat an accusation that is demonstrably untrue. The DUP made no commitment whatsoever concerning the devolution of policing and justice powers to Stormont at the St. Andrews negotiations. Our position on this matter is crystal clear. We will not assent to the devolution of these sensitive powers until such time as there is sufficient public confidence to allow that to occur.
Furthermore, we will not assent to Sinn Fein holding this position. As for any private assurances given to Mr. Adams by the government or the Irish administration, that is for him to resolve with those parties, not with us. The Sinn Fein President really needs to ask himself if behaving in this petulant manner makes finding a resolution to these outstanding issues more or less likely. Does constantly issuing threats in the media because he isn’t getting his own way make it more likely that current problems will be overcome? If this is leadership Sinn Fein-style it leaves a lot to be desired.
The DUP has said that we are willing to work with others to resolve important outstanding issues, but Mr. Adams will have to accept that resolving issues does not equate to giving him what he wants. Sinn Fein might well have become used to Unionists rolling over and giving them what they wanted during the Trimble era but those days are over.
The DUP is working hard for all of the community in Northern Ireland – we will not be deflected from that by this latest tantrum of the Sinn Fein President.”