DUP Member of Parliament for Lagan Valley, Jeffrey Donaldson has said that Arlene Foster is doing an excellent job in bringing the Unionist community in Enniskillen together to defend the council seat held by the late Joe Dodds from falling to a Republican. The senior DUP MP was speaking after a days canvass in the area. Speaking today Jeffrey Donaldson said:

“People in Enniskillen, regardless of their party-political affiliation in the past, are rallying to Arlene, because they know and understand that only she can stop Sinn Fein from capturing the seat that was held by Joe Dodds. Many people who voted for the Ulster Unionists and other parties in the last election have told me that they will be supporting Arlene in this crucial election campaign because they do not want to see a Unionist seat falling to Sinn Fein and because she is the best-placed person to stop that from happening.

I believe Arlene Foster has struck exactly the right note in the Enniskillen by-election campaign. Her theme of bringing all of the Unionist community in Enniskillen together to prevent a Republican from stealing a Unionist seat is chiming with the voters in the area. People understand that Arlene Foster is best placed to prevent Sinn Fein from capturing the seat held for many years by our friend Joe Dodds, whose passing caused so much sorrow in the local community. Many people are suspending their traditional party allegiances in order to rally to the Unionist best placed to win.

Joe Dodds was a highly respected local figure who worked hard for the community. It would be a tragedy if his seat was allowed to fall to a Republican candidate. People of course are deeply angry that Bertie Kerr should have forced this by-election when there is a very real risk of a Republican winning a seat that they otherwise wouldn’t hold in a full council election. Mr. Kerr of course had no problem agreeing to the co-option of a Sinn Fein member in the past – it seems he only objects when it is a Unionist seat that is being filled. The feedback I am getting indicates that the wider Unionist community in Enniskillen are going to reject his careless wrecking tactics by rallying to Arlene Foster.”

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