Category Archives: News & Updates

Document Delivery for Staff and Post-Graduate Research Students – You Said, We Did

With an increase in staff and post-graduate research students working from home, we wanted to investigate the desirability and feasibility of establishing a document delivery service for these customers. Between August and December 2018, we have been satisfying Inter Library … Continue reading

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Library Communication – You Said, We Did

We wanted to make sure that we were communicating with you in a way which makes sense for you and is the most useful. One way we assessed this was to hold a Focus Group in partnership with the Students … Continue reading

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The McClay Library Expansion Project – February 2019 Update

This is the latest in a series of regular updates planned for the 2018-19 academic year which will keep you informed on progress of the McClay Library Phase 3 expansion project. The project is progressing well with most of the … Continue reading

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Plan S – A response from Library Services

Library Services at Queen’s University Belfast welcomes the formation of cOAlition S and supports the aim of Plan S to make publicly funded research fully and immediately Open Access.  We welcome the commitment to end hybrid journal publishing and believe … Continue reading

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Plan S: Making Open Access a Reality by 2020 – feedback invited

In September 2018 an open access initiative (Plan S) was launched by an international consortium of research funders (Coalition S), including UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). Plan S requires that, from 2020, “scientific publications that result from research funded by … Continue reading

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Access to Safari e-books ending

The library’s subscription to Safari e-books is coming to an end. Where possible, books which were accessible via the Safari platform have been replaced with e-books from other suppliers. Alternatively, books are being made available in hardcopy. If you have … Continue reading

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Primary sources: an introduction for history students

What do we mean by primary sources? Why are they important for students of history? How do you find them at Queen’s? During this brand new course Deborah Sherlock (Subject Librarian, HAPP) and Louisa Costelloe (Assistant Librarian, Special Collections) will take you … Continue reading

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Restriction on the use of the RCUK Open Access Block Grant.

The University’s RCUK Open Access Block Grant for 2018/19 is almost exhausted. The Open Access Team has therefore had to introduce a restriction on the use of the fund for the payment of Article Processing Charges (APCs). The Open Access … Continue reading

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New journal: Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology

The Library is pleased to offer access to the journal Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, as requested by the QUB Centre for Public Health. Access the journal via the Library Catalogue: (It will also be listed in the Library’s E-Journals A-Z.) All … Continue reading

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Medical Library Videos

The School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences has teamed up with Richard Fallis, Subject Librarian for those subjects, to produce a series of short videos, covering everything from getting to the Medical Library at the Royal Victoria Hospital, to … Continue reading

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