Renewal of ACLS Humanities E-book Collection

As part of our drive to support online teaching and learning by offering remote access to high quality academic resources, the Library at Queen’s has renewed access to the ACLS Humanities E-Book (HEB) collection.

This collection aims to be a portal to the best digital scholarship, hosting approximately 5,500 e-books of high quality in the humanities and social sciences. Chosen by scholars, these titles are offered by the ACLS in collaboration with thirty-one learned societies, 125 contributing publishers, and the Michigan Publishing division at the University of Michigan Library.

The discoverability of high quality ebooks and multi-user access to content is our priority. ACLS content is fully integrated into the Library catalogue, from where users may search for individual books, or browse for content. The ACLS platform may also be accessed via the Library catalogue, and this provides an ideal base from which to browse content by subject or keyword. All titles in this collection allow for unlimited, simultaneous multi-user access. 

Queen’s students and staff have access to the entire ACLS collection via the Queen’s University Library catalogue.

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