11 months remain until the Library at Queen’s cancels its RefWorks subscription.
From the end of December 2020, Queen’s users will no longer have access to Legacy RefWorks or ProQuest RefWorks, and the Library will no longer support the use of either of these tools.
Instead of RefWorks, the Library has subscribed to EndNote. You may also use other tools such as Mendeley or Zotero, but the Library’s capacity to support these is limited.
Ahead of the cancellation, you must transfer your RefWorks references to EndNote or another tool if you wish to continue using them.
For more information , and links to Library Help FAQs about transferring your RefWorks references to EndNote, please visit the Library’s dedicated EndNote LibGuide: https://libguides.qub.ac.uk/referencing/endnote
Any questions? Please contact your Subject Librarian: http://www.qub.ac.uk/directorates/InformationServices/TheLibrary/Contacts/SubjectLibrarians/