MBC Pop Up Library – You Said, We Did

In August 2018, Library staff met with representatives from the School of Biological Sciences to discuss and plan Library engagement and School support over the coming academic year.

One area that the School was interested in exploring was the Pop Up Library concept which had been successfully used across other areas of the University.    The idea behind the Pop Up Library is to provide a mobile Library desk with flyers, brochures, freebies, and staff with the same friendly advice and support that you’d get at any of the QUB Library service points.

The School felt that this would be a useful approach to meet with, and promote the Library to, new Biological Sciences students beginning in the 2nd semester, and for those about to take exams. It was agreed that in early March 2018, the Library would set up and run the Pop Up Library in the Medical Biology Centre Building foyer over two days (12 – 13th March).

Over the busy two-day period Library Medicine, Health and Life Sciences Subject Librarians and staff from the Biomedical and Medical Libraries met a large number of staff, students and visitors to the MBC Building.   Library staff fielded a number of enquiries, Subject Librarian contact cards were handed out, and many freebies were given to students.  In addition, the School of Biological Sciences provided tea and coffee for the Pop Up Library, which was very well received.

Overall, the Pop Library was very successful and we look forward to running others in different areas of the University in the future.  For more information on the QUB Pop Up Library please contact library@qub.ac.uk .

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