We wanted to make sure that our Library inductions were as helpful as possible so, following student feedback, we have made the following improvements:
- You said that the Schools did not give you enough information about library inductions
- We will work with the Schools to ensure that you have all the information you need
- You said that you did not know where to go when you first arrived in the McClay Library for induction.
- We will mark the route to the induction rooms and have clear signage outside of these rooms so that you can easily find where you need to go
- You said that the induction talks were good but felt that some areas, like the video on how to use the MFD’s, could be better explained
- We will take time to highlight the main points of all videos in our induction talks
- You liked our tours of the Library but thought that they would benefit from clearer demonstrations on how to use equipment like the self-service terminals and the electronic rolling stacks
- We have revised our induction tour crib sheet so that it clearly illustrates areas for demonstration and what information should be given at each stage of the tour. All tour guides will have a copy of this sheet so that each tour covers the same information in as clear and thorough a way as possible.
We really value your opinion about our services and work hard to make changes when thing are not quite right. If you have any comments on this, or anything else that we do, please feel free to use our feedback form.