New Library Update- Friday 19th June

The Science Library and the Main Library Tower are now closed. The Issue Desk and the first floor study area in the Main Library Old Building will be open as usual throughout June. The Science Library stock has been transferred to the new Library and the Main Library Tower stock is on the move. A request service is operating to enable you to access this material.

The next closure will be the Special Collections Office and Reading Room in the Main Library Old Building at 5.00pm on Friday 19 June. Anyone wishing to consult Special Collections material after this date should email

The Library Catalogue will be unavailable from Friday 10 July at 5.00 pm until Wednesday 15 July so that it can be configured for the new Library.  Electronic resources will be unaffected and these can be accessed from the Electronic Journals A-Z and QSearch.

If you have any questions about the move, please contact the New Library Migration Helpdesk: email or tel. 028 9097 5020. You can also follow progress on the new Library website and Twitter.

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