Stormont Rule Beats Dublin Rule Every Time

Guest Speaker at the Annual Dinner of the Queen’s University Democratic Unionist Association, DUP Deputy Leader, Rt Hon Peter Robinson MP, MLA said:

“Prior to the DUP becoming the largest political party in Northern Ireland and consequently negotiating for unionists, we were told there were only two options available for the province: Belfast Agreement devolution or direct rule. Neither of these prospects were to unionism’s advantage. Since 2003 the DUP has crafted, pursued and delivered a third way.

We have always believed devolution was important but an Executive couldn’t include parties associated with still armed and active paramilitary organisations, or unaccountable and uncontrollable Ministers. Equally direct rule with an expanding role for Dublin was entirely unacceptable to unionists. It was bad enough in 1985, without becoming even greener. Those who imagine direct rule is the way forward for Northern Ireland are naïve in the extreme. It was imperative that unionists secured control over the province’s affairs.

Recent developments regarding academic selection are further evidence that devolution today is fundamentally different to the failed Trimble-Empey version attempted intermittently between 1999 and 2002. Slowly but surely it is dawning on those who resisted it most that now it the Executive which is in charge not disparate Ministers acting to their own narrow party political agenda.

While we still have more we want to achieve and are working to deliver a more normal and leaner form of government to replace the current temporary but necessary arrangements, our key goal of securing the Union has been accomplished and the threat of a united Ireland recedes further with every passing day of Stormont rule.”

New Officers Elected for 2008 – 2009

At the Association’s Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 23rd April the following members were successfully elected to serve as officers for 2008 – 2009.

Chairman – Thomas Hogg

Deputy Chairman – Andrew Charles B.A.

Secretary – Ian Gow

Chief Whip – Kirsty Bell

Events Secretary – Dean McSorley

Treasurer – Stephen Dunne

Press Officer – Ben Mallon

Chaplain – Nathan Anderson

Honorary life membership was also confered on Richard Wright, Sharon Simpson, Gavin Robinson and Rhonda Milligan.

Peter Robinson and Nigel Dodds Elected Leader and Deputy Leader Designate

Following a meeting of the DUP’s Central Executive Committee in Castlereagh Council offices the Rt. Hon. Peter Robinson MP MLA has been elected as DUP leader designate and Nigel Dodds OBE MP MLA has been elected as DUP deputy leader designate. These positions will not become active until Dr Paisley steps down as DUP leader after the Investment Conference. Speaking after the meeting Dr Ian Paisley MP MLA said,

“I want to congratulate Peter and Nigel on their respective new roles. There is great responsibility in leading the largest political party in Northern Ireland but I have full confidence that the new leadership team will lead the DUP on to many successes in the future.

Having delivered stable government to Northern Ireland I believe the Investment Conference is another great milestone with the ability to deliver long-term economic stability in the Province. As I have already stated, I plan to step down after the Conference in the knowledge that Northern Ireland is facing a more prosperous future than ever before.”

In a joint statement Peter Robinson and Nigel Dodds said,

“We are deeply honoured that the DUP Assembly Group and the Executive delegates have trusted us with the responsibility to lead the Party.

We want to pay tribute to Dr Paisley and the sterling service which he has given. The DUP and Northern Ireland owe a great debt of gratitude to Dr Paisley for his leadership over many decades. He has a unique ability and it would be foolish for anyone to try and mimic his style of leadership.

The DUP is the lead party at Stormont and with that position there is great responsibility. The Northern Ireland of today is vastly different to the Northern Ireland we knew when we entered politics. It has changed for the better. Just as Northern Ireland has changed so too have the challenges facing unionism. We look forward to advancing the unionist agenda in the future in the knowledge that the Union has never been more secure in decades and unionists are in control of their own destiny.”

University Credibility Being Undermined

East Antrim MP Sammy Wilson has said that the reputation of universities in the UK has taken another blow today following the decision of Buckinghamshire New University to offer degrees in bed selling. Mr Wilson has said that this decision makes a mockery of third level education in the United Kingdom. Speaking at Stormont today, Mr Wilson said:

“Every so often we hear that barmy degree courses are being offered by universities but this one takes the biscuit. Just when we thought that some university degrees couldn’t get more ridiculous, following golf management and surf studies being offered by some institutions, we learn that degrees are now being offered in bed selling. This makes a mockery of tertiary education.

The announcement of these degrees creates ridicule and headlines, but they are actually symptomatic of a serious problem in our higher education system. The government’s target of 50% of young people in higher education by 2010 means that all must have prizes regardless of how worthless the degree in question actually is. Not all young people are best suited to a university education but the government does not seem to grasp this concept and this has resulted in a huge increase in the number of university courses and places. This has left us in the situation where these silly degrees are made available.

The government needs to recognise that universities are a place for academic study, not for vocational training courses or bed selling. Young people must not be pushed into university when it is not suitable for them. The high drop out rate that we have witnessed over recent years is testimony to this.”

DUA Annual Dinner

You are invited to attend this year’s annual dinner of the Queen’s University Democratic Unionist Association.

The dinner will take place on Friday 25th April at 7.30pm in the Ramada Hotel, Belfast, with the meal being served at 8:00pm. This year’s guest speaker will be Deputy Leader the Rt. Hon. Peter Robinson MP MLA. Tickets are priced at £25.00 each.

For more information please contact us via e-mail :

Royal Visit to Queen’s

DUA members joined fellow Queen’s students and staff in welcoming Her Majesty The Queen and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh to the University this week.

The Royal couple were joined by First Minister and Party Leader Dr. Ian Paisley and Secretary of State Shaun Woodward at an event which marked the singular contribution Queen’s University has made to education and to Northern Ireland since it received its Royal Charter in 1908.

Queen’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Peter Gregson, said the University family was honoured that The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh had marked the Centenary with a visit.

“This is an important year for Queen’s and the region we serve. The University has played a critical role in the educational, cultural, social and economic development of Northern Ireland over the past century. Today’s visit is tangible recognition of that contribution.

“We welcome Her Majesty today, not just as an honoured guest, but as part of our community. The Queen’s official role as the University’s Visitor is an important part of our system of governance.

“This visit marks another red-letter day for Queen’s as it celebrates 100 years as one of the United Kingdom’s leading universities.”

Commenting on the visit Dr Paisley said:

“Her Majesty The Queen sets an excellent example for all of us in terms of duty and devotion towards other people. In her long reign she has served our country well and has been an excellent ambassador for the United Kingdom overseas, helping to attract investment and tourism to all parts of the UK.

“In my capacity as First Minister of Northern Ireland I am delighted to welcome Her Majesty to this part of the United Kingdom. The Queen has visited Northern Ireland many times before, but not, I believe at a more promising time for the Province. It seems at last that the days of violence are over and that people are prepared to abide by shared democratic standards. We are proud to live under the rule of the Crown and we are still Her Majesty’s most loyal subjects.

“Her Majesty has a very special place in the hearts of the people of Northern Ireland: she will always be admired by most people in our Province. It is my honour to welcome her to Northern Ireland today.”

Devolution of Policing and Justice Cannot Occur Until the DUP Say So

North Belfast DUP MP Nigel Dodds has reiterated his party’s position that sufficient public confidence does not exist to allow the devolution of Policing and Justice Powers to Stormont and that the DUP will be condition-led not calendar-led when considering the matter. Mr. Dodds was speaking prior to the publication of the Assembly’s Institutional and Executive Review Committee report on policing and following the publication of draft legislation by the Secretary of State concerning devolution of Policing and Justice Powers. Speaking today the DUP MP said:

“The tactic of drafting legislation and attempting to pass it off as a fait accompli has been tried once before with the DUP when Maria Eagle drew up a draft Irish Language Act, which the DUP subsequently confined to the dustbin. We weren’t bullied then and we certainly won’t be bullied now over the issue of Policing and Justice Powers by the government. Shaun Woodward can publish all the draft legislation he wishes, but the truth of the situation is that the DUP has secured, as part of the St. Andrews Agreement a triple lock on the devolution of Policing and Justice Powers and we shall enforce it.

The legislation arising from St. Andrews makes it very clear that devolution of Policing and Justice Powers can only occur if three conditions are met. These are, that the First Minister gives his consent, that the members of the Assembly give their consent and that the Westminster Parliament gives its consent. The DUP will not be giving its consent for the devolution of Policing and Justice Powers because we do not believe that sufficient public confidence exists to allow that to occur. It is up to other parties to create the circumstances whereby public confidence is increased.

I have to say that I find the government’s actions on this issue to be nothing short of duplicitous. For many months now, the DUP has been working hard to get the legislation changed around compensation arrangements for Orange Halls and making it easier for halls to access money when they are attacked. During that process we have been told that it takes time to draw up legislation. But whenever it’s a government pet project like this it seems that legislation, comprising 4 orders and in excess of 90 pages can be produced seemingly out of thin air.

The days of Unionists taking orders from Direct Rulers and having things imposed over our heads are over. The DUP has secured a veto over this issue. Devolution of Policing and Justice Powers will only occur when the DUP says so – not one minute before. The frantic efforts of the government to spin otherwise are false – we are no closer to the devolution of these sensitive powers than we where before this ill-advised announcement was made.”