Nelson McCausland has responded to the comments of Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams who said that the government, in co-operation with the Irish administration should intervene in the political process concerning issues around the devolution of policing and justice powers and an Irish Language Act. Mr. McCausland said the comments called into question Gerry Adams commitment to resolving outstanding issues. Nelson McCausland said:
“This latest outburst from the Sinn Fein President calls into question his commitment to resolving outstanding issues. It is pathetic that Gerry Adams continues to repeat an accusation that is demonstrably untrue. The DUP made no commitment whatsoever concerning the devolution of policing and justice powers to Stormont at the St. Andrews negotiations. Our position on this matter is crystal clear. We will not assent to the devolution of these sensitive powers until such time as there is sufficient public confidence to allow that to occur.
Furthermore, we will not assent to Sinn Fein holding this position. As for any private assurances given to Mr. Adams by the government or the Irish administration, that is for him to resolve with those parties, not with us. The Sinn Fein President really needs to ask himself if behaving in this petulant manner makes finding a resolution to these outstanding issues more or less likely. Does constantly issuing threats in the media because he isn’t getting his own way make it more likely that current problems will be overcome? If this is leadership Sinn Fein-style it leaves a lot to be desired.
The DUP has said that we are willing to work with others to resolve important outstanding issues, but Mr. Adams will have to accept that resolving issues does not equate to giving him what he wants. Sinn Fein might well have become used to Unionists rolling over and giving them what they wanted during the Trimble era but those days are over.
The DUP is working hard for all of the community in Northern Ireland – we will not be deflected from that by this latest tantrum of the Sinn Fein President.”

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