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Canvas System Update – 20 May 2023

These are the latest Canvas system updates that will become available on 20 May 2023. Please click on an update to expand and view the information. System updates are subject to change and may be subsequently updated. If you have questions, please submit a support ticket via the help menu in Canvas.

This update is available for the Canvas Teacher and Teacher Assistant Roles."]

SpeedGrader quick links are added to Options menus for Assignments, Graded Discussions, Modules and Quizzes.

This update improves accessibility to SpeedGrader from various areas within Canvas.

If an item has not been published, the SpeedGrader quick link does not display.

Assignment SpeedGrader Quick Link

Assignment SpeedGrader Quick Link

In Assignments, instructors can view the SpeedGrader quick link using the Options menu.

Modules SpeedGrader Quick Link

Modules SpeedGrader Quick Link

In Modules, instructors can view the SpeedGrader quick link for Assignments, Quizzes and Graded Discussions using the Options Menu.

Assignment View SpeedGrader Quick Link

Assignment View SpeedGrader Quick Link

In the Assignment View page, instructors can view the SpeedGrader quick link using the Options Menu.

Assignment Edit Page SpeedGrader Quick Link

Assignment Edit Page SpeedGrader Quick Link

In the Assignment Edit page, instructors can view the SpeedGrader quick link using the Options Menu.

Quizzes Page SpeedGrader Quick Link

Quizzes Page SpeedGrader Quick Link

In the Quizzes page, instructors can view the SpeedGrader quick link using the Options Menu.

26 Apr 2023: Assignments - Green Publish Icon Color Update. This update is available for the following Canvas Roles: Teacher, Teaching Assistant and Course Designer.

When an assignment, discussion or quiz has student submissions and cannot be unpublished, the green publish icon status is updated to display a muted green color.

This update allows instructors to visibly see which assignments, discussions and quizzes have student submissions and cannot be unpublished.

Assignment Green Publish Icon

Assignment Green Publish Icon

26 Apr 2023: Rich Content Editor - Expanding Toolbar. This update is available for all Canvas Roles.

The Rich Content Editor toolbar slides to expand when using a narrow browser window.

This update improves the ease of use and accessibility of the Rich Content Editor toolbar.

Rich Content Editor More Options Button

Rich Content Editor More Options Button

To expand the Rich Content Editor toolbar, click the More Options button.

Additional Details: Previously, the More Options button opened a floating toolbar with additional options which disappeared when a user clicked a button or clicked outside of the Rich Content Editor. With this update, the expanded view remains throughout the session.

26 Apr 2023: Announcements - Email Notification Reply Warning for Groups. This update is available for all Canvas Roles.

When users in a group receive an announcement notification via email, a warning displays that email replies posted to the announcement are seen by everyone in the group.

This change allows users to be aware the reply is only seen by users in a group.

Group Announcement Email Notification

Group Announcement Email Notification

In a group announcement email notification, a warning displays that replies posted to the announcement are seen by everyone in the group.

10 May 2023: Rich Content Editor - Drag and Drop or Paste Multiple Files. This update is available for all Canvas Roles.

In the Rich Content Editor, users can drag and drop or paste multiple files.

This change allows users to quickly and efficiently add files in the Rich Content Editor.

Rich Content Editor Drag and Drop Multiple Files

Rich Content Editor Drag and Drop Multiple Files

Users can drag and drop multiple files into the Rich Content Editor.

Rich Content Editor Copy and Paste Multiple Files

Rich Content Editor Copy and Paste Multiple Files

Additionally, users can paste multiple files in the Rich Content Editor.