Vevox is an audience engagement platform which can be used to enhance face-to-face, hybrid and online lectures, meetings, or events.
Vevox offers options for live polling/quizzes, Q&A, and surveys. Bring a bit of competition to your quizzes by using the built-in leaderboard with timed responses. Reports are also available to capture attendance, polling/survey results and Q&A messages.
Sessions can be anonymous or identified. Single Sign on is available for easy participant sign-in when using identified sessions.
Students or meeting participants can easily take part in sessions with no need for an account. They can access the session directly from any internet browser by typing Vevox.app (https://vevox.app/#/) into the address bar.
Vevox also has integrations with Microsoft PowerPoint and Teams.

Support and Guidance
Accessing the Service
Queens has an education institution licence for Vevox which provides full access to all features and customization. You do not need to apply for an account, type queensuniversitybelfast.vevox.com into the address bar on any internet browser and then click ‘Login with SSO’, an account will automatically be provisioned using your QUB Microsoft credentials. Hosts should access the Vevox Admin Dashboard to set up and run their Vevox sessions. Participants do not need an account; they can participate in a Vevox session by typing vevox.app into any internet browser and entering the 9-digit session ID.
Training and Support
Online training resources are available at the Vevox Training & Support SharePoint. Regular virtual training sessions are offered and can be booked via iTrent. There are two training sessions, one covering the Vevox Dashboard and the second covering the Vevox PowerPoint and Teams integrations.
How to get Help
If you experience any problems accessing or using Vevox please contact the IT Service Desk via email itservicedesk@qub.ac.uk or from the Quick links section of Queen’s Online. Contact the IT Training Unit via email itcourses@qub.ac.uk for Vevox training queries.