As we all step into a brand-new year, you may have some resolutions involving trying something new. meeting new people or pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone. Now is the perfect time to amplify your university experience by getting involved with the heartbeat of student life- your Students’ Union. Beyond […]
The first semester at the Students’ Union is complete. From the clubs that made you tick to the motions passed in Student Council, here’s a recap of your first semester at your Students’ Union: 2023 was a record-breaking year for SU Clubs & Societies with Society memberships hitting at […]
Student blog by Emma Smith, Arts, English and Languages Student Christmas as a student can be full on! As well as spending quality time with family and friends, there will be parties to attend, as well as gifts to buy and receive. But then there are the dreaded deadlines looming […]
Hello! My name is Emma. I’m a second year student in Arts, English and Languages and am here to take you through the new Exceptional Circumstances process.
We’ve Student Councillor; Faculty, School and Course Rep roles available now! Here’s 5 top reasons why you should stand to be a Student Rep by 5pm, Thursday 28 Sept. 1. You’ll Meet Loads of New People In your role, you’ll get the opportunity to meet lots of new people and […]
A new year the SU means there’s a brand new team of Full-Time Student Officers! Now you may be asking yourself why should I care about this? Well you may have voted for them in our last SU Elections or you this may be brand new to you! Your Student […]
Dear Postgraduate Students, As my term comes to an end, I am signing off as your Postgraduate Officer. I want to take this opportunity to recognize some of our outstanding peers who have gone above and beyond to support our community. Ed, Sarah, Mohit, Madhvi, Pearce, Stephanie, Rahul, Kerry, Jasmine, […]
Here’s a recap of what your Student Officers and the SU have worked on this academic year to represent you and improve your experience at Queen’s. The Pantry, Your free Refill Station opened for students to obtain essential food items in February. To date, The Pantry has seen 6,000 student […]
Course Reps are a vital part of university life and we’re currently looking for reps for the 2023/24 academic year! Find out more before and put yourself forward now! Course Reps are students that represent other Queen’s students on their course. They work with other reps and staff in their […]
Nominations are now open for our SU Awards! Here’s everything you need to know about them: Academic Rep of the Year (Undergrad & Postgrad!) Best New Club or Society Best Student-Led Activity Charitable Impact Award Most Improved Club or Society Outstanding Contribution to the Community President’s Award Society of the Year […]
Did you know Belfast is a popular filming location? We’ve been on TV, Film and even Music Videos! Belfast LOVES a police drama… but don’t worry we won’t list them all, or we’d be here all day. Starting with an obvious one, but we’d be wrong not to include it! […]
We absolutely love having a wide range of Clubs & Societies here at QSU to represent everybody- this includes our more niche Clubs & Societies. We’ve picked out just some of our favs- read on and see if any of these are the perfect one for you… Are you ready […]