The shops are now stocked with mince pies, the decorations are up and the festive music is blasting in every building you walk into… Belfast has fully embraced the upcoming festive season! Luckily there’s lots of fun (and cost-effective) ways to get into the Christmas spirit, so here’s some of […]
3 posts
We get it- being a student in Belfast is an expensive experience! With so many fun and tasty things to be indulging in, it can feel like your bank account is constantly crying. But don’t worry- Belfast has student discounts hidden everywhere…if you know where to look. So we’ve rounded […]
You’re in luck as Belfast is a foodie’s city of dreams! Eating out is a nice way to give yourself a break from cooking and explore the city. There’s something for for everyone whether you’re vegetarian, vegan, gluten free or have any other dietary requirements. We must start off with […]