Queen’s corresponding authors now have the option to publish open access in Wiley at no extra cost.
Beginning 2 March 2020, Queen’s corresponding authors may publish primary research and review articles in any of Wiley’s fully gold Open Access or Wiley’s hybrid, OnlineOpen journals at no further charge* to the author.
To be eligible:
- Your manuscript must have been accepted on or after 2 March 2020.
- You must be the corresponding author who is affiliated with Queen’s at the point of acceptance.
- You must publish open access (in a fully gold OA journal or a hybrid journal that offers OnlineOpen).
- If publishing in a hybrid journal, you must order OnlineOpen at the point of acceptance.
Please note:
(i) If you are no longer affiliated with Queen’s at the point of acceptance of your paper, you do not qualify.
(ii) If you don’t order OnlineOpen initially, your manuscript will be published under the traditional closed access model. You may order OnlineOpen retroactively, but once your paper is published in Early View or In Issue online you are no longer eligible to publish OnlineOpen at no charge.
*subject to availability of sufficient funds and approval from Queen’s open access team.
For further information please visit the Wiley website or contact the open access team at openaccess@qub.ac.uk