Queen’s University Belfast Publishes APC expenditure for 2017

The Library’s Open Access Team has published, on behalf of the University, an Article Processing Charges (APCs) expenditure report for 2017.

During this period, a total of £208,132.96 was spent on APCs, enabling 171 articles by Queen’s authors to be made open access via the gold route.

In 2017, Queen’s dramatically reduced its expenditure on APCs published in hybrid journals, with only 33% of APCs (excluding Springer Compact articles) being made Gold via this route. This shift from hybrid to fully open access journals is significant, particularly when compared to Queen’s APC data from 2016.

The significant increase in both expenditure and the number of articles published in Pure Gold journals reflects the University’s support for fully open access publishing and the commitment to offer Pure Gold OA to as many of our academics as possible.

Other points of interest:

Hybrid Gold is considerably more expensive.

Type                                                                         Ave APC (£)
Hybrid journal £2,103
Fully OA journal £1,419


APCs charged by the American Chemical Society are the most expensive that Queen’s paid in 2017.

Publisher APCs paid Sum of APC paid (£) Ave APC (£)
American Chemical Society 4 £19,572.19  £4,893.05
Society for Neuroscience 1 £4,151.23 £4,151.23
Elsevier 7 £21,347.35 £3,049.62
Nature 8 £17,731.74 £2,216.47

The full report can be viewed on Queen’s Research Portal.

If you would like to know if your paper is eligible for Gold Open Access, please visit the open access LibGuide or email openaccess@qub.ac.uk

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