The Library’s Open Access Team has submitted, on behalf of the University, its open access compliance report for 2015/16 to the RCUK.
Queen’s is one of 108 UK research organisations to receive an annual open access block grant from the RCUK. This grant aims to support universities in meeting the requirements of the RCUK Policy on Open Access, in particular meeting the cost of article processing charges (APC) to make articles open access through the publisher.
During the period there was a massive increase in APC spending in comparison with the previous reporting periods. A total APC spend of £207,222 enabled 115 papers to be made open access through a number of publishers. A further £85,307 was spent on publisher discounts and membership schemes.
A combination of green and gold open access papers gave Queen’s an estimated overall compliance rating of 64%.
The full report can be viewed on Queen’s Research Portal
If your paper has received RCUK funding and you would like further information on the RCUK’s open access requirements and available funding, check out our Open Access LibGuide or email
The RCUK Block Grant is allocated on a first come, first served basis.