QUB staff and students now have trial access to Secret Files from World Wars to Cold Wars. The trial ends 31st July 2016. Access is available on-campus only from this link: http://www.secretintelligencefiles.com
We would be interested in getting your comments and feedback: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LWDRPFP
Secret Files from World Wars to Cold War: Intelligence, Strategy and Diplomacy provides access to British government secret intelligence and foreign policy files from 1873 to 1953, with the majority of files dating from the 1930s and 1940s. Spanning four key twentieth century conflicts, with a spotlight on the Second World War, the material, sourced from The National Archives, U.K., enables rich research into intelligence, foreign policy, international relations, and military history in the period of Appeasement, through the Second World War, and into the early Cold War.