Bye September, Hi October!
What an overwhelming September with all new and returning students and staff on campus for a bustling start of their new academic year! We are also enthused to see a warm response of taking our language courses alongside their study programme and work plan. For those who are keen to sign up for a course but not able to do so yet, please remember to do it via our website before 5 pm, Thursday 3rd October.

If you are not able to register for a course but would like to be involved in informal language learning and practice, you are welcome to consider signing up for the Tandem Language Exchange (TLE) programme. The TLE platform is an ongoing service that enables one to swap their native languages with each other in order to find language partners on a mutual support basis. It suits those who have signed up for a language course, in particular.

For more details and registration information, please read the TLE page.