Category: Headlines


E-Book User Experience Survey

In partnership with colleagues across the UK and Ireland, the library is running a survey about e-books.  We would like to know how you use e-books (or why you don’t), what you...


Retirement of Zetoc alerts  

Zetoc alerts is a current awareness service from the British Library that allows you to set up alerts for the table of content for particular journals.  The British Library sadly...


ClinicalKey: an overview of what’s new

ClinicalKey will be changing in the coming months. New content and features will be added, including a new mobile app. To learn about these changes, HSC staff can sign up...


Covid-19 Library Update (October 2022)

Currently all libraries are open and measures are in place to reduce potential for viral transmission. It is strongly advised to wear a face covering in all libraries, even if...


Current awareness bulletins and HSC emails

If you subscribe to Richard Fallis’ medicine, dentistry and healthcare sciences current awareness bulletins, but are not currently receiving them via your HSC Trust email, please remember that you can...


On the move? Update your Membership Details.

On the move? Update your membership details with The Healthcare Library of Northern Ireland. If you are moving to a new location or post at the beginning of February as...