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Canvas System Update – 16 Apr 2022

These are the latest Canvas system updates that will become available from 16 April 2022. Please click on an update to expand and view the information. If you have any questions please submit a support ticket via the help menu in Canvas.
Please note that system updates are subject to change and may be subsequently updated.   Update 1: Rich Content Editor – Icon Maker. This update is available for the following Roles: Teacher, Teaching Assistant and Course Designer.

The Rich Content Editor allows instructors to create simple icons for their courses.

This change provides instructors the ability to incorporate simple icons for their courses without using an external tool. The Icon Maker allows simple customised iconography to be created directly within the Rich Content Editor.

Rich Content Editor Icon Maker

Rich Content Editor Icon Maker


In the Rich Content Editor, click the Icon Maker icon.

Icon Maker Menu

Icon Maker Menu


To create new icons, click the Create Icon Maker Icon. The Saved Icon Maker Icons option is where prior icons are managed.

Icon Maker Editor

Icon Maker Editor


When the icon has been completed, click the Apply button to add it to the text box and Saved Icon Maker Icons.

Icon Maker Icons

Icon Maker Icons


When complete, icons display in the content editor.

Additional Details: At release, the Icon Maker feature only supports predefined images. The ability to upload custom images will be added in a future deploy.

  Canvas Deploy Release Updates.

30 Mar 2022: Calendar – Event Title Label. This update is available for all Canvas Roles.

When adding a Calendar event, a label has been added to the title field.

This change allows all users to have improved digital access to the calendar when creating events.

Create Calendar Event

Create Calendar Event


In the Calendar, create an event and click the More Options button.

The title field includes the Event Title label.

Event Title Label

Event Title Label


30 Mar 2022: Gradebook – Gradebook Loading Icon. This update is available for the following Canvas Roles: Teacher and Teaching Assistant.

When the Gradebook is loading, a spinner icon indicates the loading process.

This change allows instructors to know if the Gradebook is loading.

Gradebook Loading Icon

Gradebook Loading Icon

The spinner icon indicates the loading process.


30 Mar 2022: Assignments – Bulk Due Date Time Editor. This update is available for the following Roles: Teacher, Teaching Assistant and Course Designer.

The Bulk Due Date Editor has been updated to include a time field.

This change allows instructors to bulk update the due date times of assignments.

Edit Assignment Dates

Edit Assignment Dates


On the Assignments page, click the Options icon [1]. Then select the Edit Assignment Dates option [2].

Bulk Due Date Time Editor

Bulk Due Date Time Editor


To edit the time for an individual assignment due or availability date, type the desired time.

Additional Details: Previously, when bulk changes were made, the time defaulted to 11:59pm.


13 Apr 2022: Assignments – Assignment Name Label. This update is available for the following Roles: Teacher, Teaching Assistant and Course Designer.

When creating an assignment, an Assignment Name label displays in the Title field.

This change allows screen-reader and keyboard-only users to better navigate through fields when creating an assignment.

Create an assignment

Create an assignment


In the Assignments Index page, click the Add Assignment button.

The title field includes the Assignment Name label.

Assignment Name Label

Assignment Name Label


13 Apr 2022: Assignments – Late Label Color Update. This update is available for the following Canvas Roles: Student.

In the assignment submission page, the late label color has been changed from red to orange.

This change allows students to differentiate between different labels on assignments.

Assignment Late Label

Assignment Late Label


In the assignment submission page, the Late label is orange.

Additional Details: This label color change is also in the Student Grades Page for late assignments.