Happy International Students Day (17/11)!
To celebrate the coming International Students Day, we, The Language Centre and Queen’s International Student Society (QISS), would like to host a special Tandem Language Exchange event and welcome all international and home students to join the celebration. Staff members are also welcome!

Date: Friday 17/11/2023
Time: 13:00-15:00
Venue: Auditorium, The McClay Library
On the day participants will be able to attend information sessions on the TLE programme and QISS activities, greeting and meeting key members from QISS and Student Experience Team, as well as networking with each other for language partnership and friendship development.
Feel free to bring along your QUB colleagues and friends. Tea and coffee with light refreshments will be served.
For more information and registration, scan the QR code above, or visit TLE page. To view other language and cultural events, please visit Cultural Diversity at Queen’s.
I am looking forward to having a language partner in this activity.
Please sign up via the QR code or URL in the post, thanks.