Two of our papers were accepted at IPDPS’25.

Brian will present his work on improving the scalability of parallel molecular dynamics simulation. He has developed a novel way to reduce the scalability bottleneck that exists in the communication between those processes computing short-range forces vs those computing long-range forces. His technique discards data dependences when long-range processes are “too slow” and uses interpolation of the (slowly-varying) long-range forces to progress the computation. Stay tuned for the camera-ready copy of the paper! This work was supported by the EPSRC New Horizons project ASCCED (EP/X01794X/1).

Hans will present a parallel algorithm for the maximum clique problem. The key ideas relate to reducing the amount of work where possible, which includes delaying or avoiding the construction of fast representations of neighbour lists, early-exiting set intersection operations and algorithmic choice between maximum clique search and the complementary minimum vertex cover problem.

Addtionally, Marco will attend IPDPS’25 by virtue of a travel grant from the TCHPC/TCPP HPC student cohort programme.